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Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix

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09-30-2008, 8:47 AM
DOWNLOAD (;94444)
What is it? Well, quoting readme:
This is a simple mod for KOTOR 2 that replaces the sequence of movies on Telos depictingthe shuttle crash that occurs as you transition from the orbital station to the planet's surface. For some reason, Obsidian didn't produce this sequence as a single movie. While that was fine on the Xbox version, when playing at higher resolutions on the PC the gameengine forcibly changes the screen resolution every time a movie is played (even whenusing the HQ Movies patch). This makes the shuttle crash sequence extremely jarring, asthe game resizes the screen between each of the 4 movies.
DarthParametic merged movie, I edited script, and we have released this:)
I know some people are gonna say "it's pointless". If you want to say sth like this, please, don't say anything. Hope somebody'll like it;)
09-30-2008, 10:30 AM
It's pointless! Oh wait...

If only I could stop the damn game resizing the screen when it plays movies it actually would be pointless. Was playing some more TSL tonight and discovered that it doesn't resize between the sequence of planet takeoff/hyperspace/planet land movies, just at the beginning an end. However, any other string of movies butted together, like the Telos crash sequence, it resizes between each individual movie (hence why we made the fix). Not sure why that happens.
09-30-2008, 10:37 AM
Haha, for me it doesn't resizing. I decided to help because sth is wrong with sth in my computer, and always in both KotOR I need to wait FEW MINUTS before BIK movie start plays. It's very annoyning, especially when there are few movies to play... So for me, it isn't pointless. It's very no-pointless stuff;p
09-30-2008, 11:03 AM
Was playing some more TSL tonight and discovered that it doesn't resize between the sequence of planet takeoff/hyperspace/planet land movies, just at the beginning an end. However, any other string of movies butted together, like the Telos crash sequence, it resizes

If that's the case you can try replacing...
... in the a_201shuttle script. That should theoretically get rid of the screen resolution change between each movie clip. :)
09-30-2008, 11:59 AM
Hrmm...thanks for the tip stoffe. Can't check it now as my current playthough Telos saves are long overwritten, but I have to do another playthrough to check something on Nar Shadaa so will try it then.

By the way, don't suppose you have any magic scripting fixes for the screen resizing thing altogether do you? Seems odd that some people experience it and others don't.
09-30-2008, 3:25 PM
I don't think its pointless either :)

I appreciate the hard work you two did in putting this together, and remember, what is simple to some is mindboggling to others(like me)

10-01-2008, 4:38 AM
I just wanna say...SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET...lolz

i was just thinking about playing thru TSL again too, perfect, bwahahhaaa
10-01-2008, 7:49 AM
If that's the case you can try replacing...
PlayMovieQueue();I just noticed that the original script has this:
PlayMovie("TelMov03", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov04", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov05", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov06", 0);

Would that mean that your fix would need to be the following?
QueueMovie("TelMov03", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov04", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov05", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov06", 0);
10-01-2008, 8:15 AM
Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it really doesn't any matter.
10-02-2008, 3:58 PM
I just noticed that the original script has this:
PlayMovie("TelMov03", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov04", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov05", 0);
PlayMovie("TelMov06", 0);

Would that mean that your fix would need to be the following?
QueueMovie("TelMov03", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov04", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov05", 0);
QueueMovie("TelMov06", 0);

The second parameter just tells the game if the player is to be able to skip past the movie or not. Setting it to FALSE (0) prevents skipping, while TRUE (1) allows the player to skip through the movie.

Default value is TRUE (1), so if you want to movies to be skippable you can just leave out that parameter entirely from the function calls, like in the example I posted above. :)
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