Lots of characters in the games garble Guybrush Threepwood's name; I was wondering which of these name mix-ups you like best?
I think mine is "Gibberish Driftwood," said by the lookout in the first game.
Can't remember half of them :P
Though I do like this quote: Guybrush Threepwood:"What's wrong with my name?" Scummbar pirate/Mancomb Seepgood:"Nothing, if you're a carpenter!"
I'm sure someone says Thriftweed at some point.
I always liked Thripweed. That was actually my original nickname on the EscapeMI forums. :o
And how would Thripweed morph into Thrik?
Do not question.
Thriftweed is always the best!
Yeah, Thriftweed was a good one. Can't really remember any other names though :/
There were a few said by Kenny in MI3