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Help with a head tutorial

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09-27-2008, 5:17 AM
I'm using this tutorial here:

I finally managed to find the right files (look at the first four screenshots) , but I got lost when it said to open Appearance.2da and do something with some lines. I know this is a really idiotic question, but what the heck is the Appearance.2da???? :confused:
09-27-2008, 5:38 AM
1) Open KotOR Tool (
2) expand the KotOR 1 or KotOR II tree
3) BIFs > 2da.bif > 2D Array
4) highlight any .2da you wish and click Extract file
5) ENJOY! :D
09-27-2008, 1:55 PM
Thanks Chainz! :)

Okay, here's another stupid question...

Label: From; P_MAL_A_SML_01, P_MAL_A_MED_01, & P_MAL_A_LRG_01.
To; P_MAL_T_SML_01, P_MAL_T_MED_01, & P_MAL_T_LRG_01.

I did that.

Normalhead: From; 41
To; 192

Backuphead: From; 45
To; ****

Modela & Modelb: To; N_RepSold

Texa & Texb: To; N_TSFCmdr

Now I'm really confused! The screenshot for 'Normalhead' didn't look like anything I had in appearance.2da.

Sorry about the idiotic questions. :(
09-27-2008, 2:52 PM
As far as heads go, all Appearance.2da is doing is telling the game which line in Heads.2da to read. Heads.2da says what textures get applied to what head mesh. You need to extract and modify Heads.2da as well. Append a row to the end (row 192 for TSL, 107 for K1) and fill in the appropriate data (i.e. head mesh and texture names).
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