PS3- Lag, excessive tearing, random enemy's disappearing, Star destroyer fight, I posted in someones post about it already. Getting stuck on every board aand having to restart. Almost every time you catch blaster fire and get knocked down, your done son, since you can't block when getting up and there isn't a grace period on any of the 3 difficulty's. Full health to 0, lol. Major lag in between force grabs to any kinda follow on combo. Not to mention the targeting system i have ever seen on any game. 3 difficulty lvls, all stuck on star destroyer. What a waist of 16 hours and 60 bucks. I'ma gonna try to get my money back at Gamestop tom. This is up there with the Crysis failure, and they never made any patches for the endgame content. (their bust working on patches for warhead. and the PC version of Jade Empire, witch they still never made patches for!!!.
My #1 question is how are you guys gonna patch console games!!!! WTF
It's bad enough that PC users have to get patches for EVERY new title out. lol how can you do that to Console games too? The major company's need to get Quality control back under raps. You just ruined a big release, on 2 outa 3 consoles!! Posibbly 3 cause you removed content from the wii's version they just get cutscences for the star destroyer.You can bet I'm gonna spam how bad this game sucked at game stop tomarrow and tell the guys that preordered this piece of garbage to just take their 5 doller deposit and spend it on Armored core.
My #1 question is how are you guys gonna patch console games!!!! WTF
PlayStation Network? X-Box Live?:xp:
It worked for Assassin's Creed. If the errors are bad enough, if the bugs keep the game from running, LucasArts will probably release a patch on the online services at some stage.
Honestly, I have yet to see a big release that is completely bug free and perfect. Assassin's Creed, KotOR 2: TSL, GTA - all have had bugs of one kind or another, whether it is randomly hanging, falling through incomplete scenery, missing content.
When developers are pressured to release a game quickly, whether by bosses or consumer demand, expect a few problems.:)
Wow...nice rant lol. I have had no bugs with The Force Unleashed or most other games. Your console probably just doesn't like you. :xp:
Sounds like you're just not good enough to play this game, not bugs. Now maybe I'm wrong, cause I have the 360 version, not PS3, and it's F'in bad ass. Mine ran flawlessly all three times I played completely thru it so far. And post before mine is right, if patches are needed they will be available via DLC (downloadable content on LIVE or PS3's equivelant). If blaster fire is killing you, try to keep moving in and out of cover and upgrade your blaster deflect stats and equip the improved blaster deflect crystal if u have it. As for Star Destroyer, check my other reply to the Star Destroyer post. It's tough, but totally do-able.
I did have a problem with bonus objectives NOT appearing/updating, such as "default text", 0/30000 and 0/15 holocrons when cleary that wasn't true.
well, i have the 360 version, and i'm still rather curious as to what all the fuss is with all these reports of tons and tons of bugs. i've gone through almost two playthroughs, and while the game lacks balance in some areas, the bugs tend to be on the minor side.
compared to my experiences with PC games on an ancient computer, any framerate problems this game *might* have is something i have yet to notice.
I have it on PS3, finally, and I have yet to experience any of these sorts of problems. No enemies have disappeared unless I throw them off something...:xp:...and Starkiller jumps up fairly quickly after being knocked down.
I did experience a little lag right at the end of the fight on Felucia with the three Rancors, but that passed as soon as I walked for three or four seconds to the area transition. Not really a massive problem.
I have the 360 version, and I've yet to experience any of the bugs you have listed, I've had a few, but none game-killing or anything, just little ones, your rant doesn't warrant anything:carms:
i know what your thinking... ps2? but im one of these poor people that have to make do with what they can afford, anyway i just got to the level against shaak ti, i was very happily kicking her butt but then when the button sequence came up it just kept putting me back up against her instead of killing her off. it did this around ten times before i got fed up and switched it off.
No offense, but could this be more of a hardware issue then software?
i know what your thinking... ps2? but im one of these poor people that have to make do with what they can afford, anyway i just got to the level against shaak ti, i was very happily kicking her butt but then when the button sequence came up it just kept putting me back up against her instead of killing her off. it did this around ten times before i got fed up and switched it off.
Yeah, that happens if you don't press the buttons fast enough
Yeah, that happens if you don't press the buttons fast enough
i pressed the button as soon as it appeared. its the part where your on the sarlacs tentacle and he's about to use force lightening. are you supposed to wait for a specific point or just press it when you see it? i spent three hours trying different timings but he fell off every time. is it any easier to do it on an easier setting? i just stuck the game on and started playing, no idea what difficulty im on. also like to point out the only games i ever play are star wars so please no sarcastic replies just an answer to my questions please
I have a few bugs on mine, nothing big but when i kill a guy thes weird spike things will glitch out of there arems and legs during a death animation.
and dude above me if you actually had trouble on the sarlacc i sugest you get better hand eye coordination because it gives you like 3 seconds to hit a button each time and then it just restarts. ON ANY DIFFICULTY!
I have also acastionally have my game freeze up during a particularily awsome show of force powers such as blowing 10 guys off there feet our repeting arial assualt over and over agian
On my third playthrough now, and the only borderline serious problem I have had was on Imperial Felucia, when fighting a stormtrooper the game froze for 5-10 seconds, but continued after that. And, honestly, I think that was more of a hardware issue.
No problems apart from that.
i pressed the button as soon as it appeared. its the part where your on the sarlacs tentacle and he's about to use force lightening. are you supposed to wait for a specific point or just press it when you see it? i spent three hours trying different timings but he fell off every time. is it any easier to do it on an easier setting? i just stuck the game on and started playing, no idea what difficulty im on. also like to point out the only games i ever play are star wars so please no sarcastic replies just an answer to my questions please
Maybe get the disc replaced, I've never experienced, or heard of, that problem