Heya Guys!
NO! not a tech problem. hehehe Just an opinion from the techy group ;)
What would you do?
I have upgraded my system to Vista 64 bit (as you've found out through my tirbulations :lol: ) so I'm now in the process of installing the "big boys" of programs. So here's the scenario...
I have Office 2003 Corporate License version.. which by all accounts should work with my 64 bit system.
However, I'm wondering should I install MS Office 2003.. OR should I go a route with Open Office (
I've never used it extensively, so I'm not up-to-par on it's pros/cons however I don't use MS Office extensively either.. but I do need the functions every now and then. Especially .doc writing and .xml spreadsheets. (Word & Excel). I also need the capability of opening my already created docs and spreadsheets made with MS Office 2003 (this is a must).
I know I could go buy Office 2007 and have no worries, but I've spent enough as is ;) Plus I have access to a program that will (hopefully) work in Vista 64 (Office 2003) and have an option to download a program for free (Open Office).
If I have to, since these progs will be necessary, I can buy Office 2007.. but I'm looking to not have to dish out any more funds unless absolutely necessary.
Just curious as to what you guys n gals think? Anyone here use Open Office (likes / dislikes), anyone hear of any problems using MSO 2003 on Vista (or 64bit for that matter)?