I've heard about a lot of miracles lately. And I've thought in ways I never have before debating with a particular thiest on another forum. (A thiest just as formidable in debate as Achilles and Jae Onasi.)
Pretty much, he's made a lot of good points, but when it comes to Miracles such as 'rising from the dead' I have no solid refutation. Using the argument 'you have no proof that these miracles happened' would be rather ignorant. This guy isn't a liar. I'll just link the two threads... Fair to say; I'm a little out of my league.
It all started here:
And is now still going here:
It's more than just an average debate, really, but it's gone places I had never expected. No offense to the thiests, but I've never before met such an intelligent thiest as this 'UtimaCenturion' on the EA Spore forums... I'm willing to yield, but not until I run out of 'ammo'...
So... Advice please? This is very intriguing debate. It's a nice challenge, and I'd like to know what the people of this forum think about it all. It's a very, very interesting debate.
(You must be getting annoyed by now with me always going to to y'all for the answers every time something comes up... :p )