Hello, people.
I'm having problems both with gmax and NWmax in my PC.
Gmax: I've downloaded it, but when I click on the gmax12.exe file my computer restarts automatically. In other words, I can't even setup this thing!!:(
NWmax: I've downloaded it and installed it in my hard disk, but when I click on the NWmax icon to run the tool, nothing happens. I can only see a NWmax icon between the language icon and the hour in the taskbar.
Any help is truly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
NWMax is a plugin for gmax so it won't do anything if you don't have gmax installed.
Well, I have two PCs. One with internet connection but without KotOR or TSL, and one with the game installed, but without internet connection. Gmax doesn't install in the second one, while it does install in the first one. Now, I have in this computer gmax, but the problem with NWmax still remains. Can you propose something?
I have very limited experience with using NWMax with gmax, since I model primarily with 3DS Max, but if you open gmax itself you can probably manually load NWMax instead of trying to run it from the shortcut.
Ok, thanks Inyri!! The NWmax problem is solved, but the gmax problem still remains...When I click on the gmax12.exe file my computer restarts automatically. I can't even setup gmax in the other PC.
Best advice I can give there is to delete your installer and re-download it (maybe from a different site -- where did you download it from?). Beyond that you'll have to wait for someone more techy to come help you. Not my area of expertise. ;)
The problem I have now with gmax is in the PC without internet. I download gmax from the other PC, and transfer it via USB. But the problem remains....