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Launching file missing..

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07-16-2008, 1:24 PM
Hi, I have a problem, my "swkotor.exe" file got deleted, and I can't find any on the net.
Of course, I can reinstall the whole game, but that would be pretty long, so I wonder if someone could upload me the file "swkotor.exe".
I am truly sorry if what I'm asking for is somehow illegal, and if so, please tell me and I will delete this topic and reinstall the game (just trying to win some time).
Thanks for your help.

Edit : Actually, I just managed to take the file off the 4th CD, thanks anyways !
07-16-2008, 1:31 PM
Hi, I have a problem, my "swkotor.exe" file got deleted, and I can't find any on the net.
Of course, I can reinstall the whole game, but that would be pretty long, so I wonder if someone could upload me the file "swkotor.exe".
I am truly sorry if what I'm asking for is somehow illegal, and if so, please tell me and I will delete this topic and reinstall the game.
Thanks for your help.

I'm pretty sure that we aren't allowed to do that here, sorry :(.

But you don't need to reinstall your game - if you just pop in your disk and open it up with Windows Explorer, you can just c&p that individual file right into your existing KotOR directory.

Hope this helps.

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