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[K1] Issues Resolving Mod

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07-15-2008, 4:22 AM
Ever since I finished my playthrough of TSL, I was shocked by the amount of bugs existing in the game. Since Team Gizka in the TSLRP are fixing most, if not all of the bugs, bugs are a thing of the past for TSL, but I was wondering about K1.

Obviously the game has been out for a considerable time, and all of the bugs, if any, existing in game would have been found. But as more of a feasibility check, I was wondering if it would be worth fixing any and all bugs existing in K1. But, of course, I played through my K1 years ago, and rather than playthrough it again with the sole purpose of checking bugs, I was wondering if anyone here had found any bugs, and whether it was worth making a mod to fix them.
07-15-2008, 7:47 AM
Oh, there's plenty of bugs in K1—even after the 1.03 patch. I'm planning to attempt breathing new life into an unfinished mod of mine, and in preparing to do so have started playing through the game again. While playing, I'm compiling a list of all the bugs I encounter; as a side project, I was planning to put together a bug fix pack, but if someone, or a group of someones, were to get started before me (and with interest now, they probably will), I'd gladly colaborate with them.

In other words, I definitely think it's worth it, and you'd have my support.
07-15-2008, 4:03 PM
07-15-2008, 5:57 PM
You may find this interesting/helpful...

...All of those say they're Xbox only? :confused:

07-15-2008, 6:52 PM
...All of those say they're Xbox only? :confused:


Ooops, and here was me thinking I was being helpful....
07-15-2008, 10:14 PM
Well if we can start to get a list going, that'd be a good start. The hardest part of the mod is going to be finding the bugs, as playing through the entire game just to find bugs is a big ask. Perhaps everyone could post up any bugs they encountered during their previous playthroughs if they remember them? Or if people are planning a playthrough they could perhaps do a bug search and put the results up here?

I remember one bug specifically: When you were in the arena and the announcer was reading out the names of the combatants, he would never read out the name of the person you were facing, it would just cut off. Perhaps I hadn't updated my game; it was a long time ago and I can't remember well...

I was also thinking about making an Xbox version, with some Xbox-only bugs that could be fixed separately and released so its compatible with modded Xboxes. However, that would take a back seat until the PC version is done...if it gets done.

Anyway, I need somewhere to start, so some bug reporting is needed!
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