I bought the guide + game for $59 from LucasArts....
Hopefully I'll get more use out of this than I did ForceCommander.
nah,im going 2 buy it from the store
i always do
when u preorder online, do you get the game the day it comes out??? do u think it will be sold out at the stores?:confused:
I might reservse it.
I'm low on $CASH$!:(
I just bought Yuri's Revenge Yester day!:D
I pre-ordered the first day they annonced it :)
I got the Game, book, and tags...I take it thats the deal you got too dlayers?:mon:
I've never pre-ordered anything and I've never arrived at the store to find the new release out of stock. Maybe I'm just really lucky ;) I don't know...but I'm on my way out to the mall to get Yuri's Revenge now, so I've probably just jinxed myself by saying that, huh?
Yep same deal...I got it from LucasArts, where I also pre-ordered Force Commander.
I got my copy the same day it was released, and about a week before Wal-Mart got their copies in (they're always late!). Of course Software Etc and other more specialized computer stores had it in stock.
so ur sure that u get it the same day it comes out?
I'm gonna pre-order it....if i ever get around to it.