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Wait ... Alderaan? ... are we talking SW here?

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06-11-2008, 9:33 PM
Ok I was just reading the lyric of Californication of The Red Hot Chili Peppers and it says. Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderaan's not far away
It's Californication
Are we talking of SW? ....
 Boba Rhett
06-11-2008, 9:47 PM
Huh. I can't believe I never realized that. Cool. :)
06-11-2008, 9:53 PM
I don't listen to their music, but it sounds like it is talking about the Alderann. :)
06-11-2008, 9:57 PM
Which Alderaan? There's actually two of them... The first one got destroyed by the Death Star, the second one was New Alderaan, which came after the first one, and was not destroyed.

/nerd moment :xp:
06-11-2008, 10:40 PM
You're overlooking the other planets that are undoubtedly in Alderaan's system, not to mention its star.
06-11-2008, 10:59 PM
That's awesome. I never noticed it either. That's got to be something close to my favorite verse of a song ever, given its link to Star Wars AND Nirvana!
06-11-2008, 11:02 PM
Must be a different Alderaan. :carms:
06-11-2008, 11:11 PM
Must be a different Alderaan. :carms:

lolz....even I noticed that and I don't really like the Chilli Willies... there's also a Trek and Curt Cobain reference in there... all non sequiturs and devoid of context, the likely result of ingesting much narcotics :)

first born unicorn, hard core, soft porn

I rest my case[/Perry Mason]

All hail the chillies, making funk comfortable for middle class white people :p

*goes off and listens to his Parliament ( vinyls*

06-11-2008, 11:57 PM
If anything, listening to the RHCP requires a lack of taste.
 Jae Onasi
06-11-2008, 11:59 PM
first born unicorn, hard core, soft porn
Hey, it rhymes at least!
06-12-2008, 12:11 AM
That's awesome. I never noticed that before either. I'm going to have to go check it out now.

 Ray Jones
06-12-2008, 3:11 AM
Pillow fight to the music of Red Hot Chilli Peppers it is then.

But not until everybody has dropped their pants,.. Astro, you start!
06-12-2008, 5:58 AM
*goes off and listens to his Parliament ( vinyls*



"Tear the roof off the sucker, tear the roof off the mothersucker... tear the roof off the Sucker!" :D
06-12-2008, 6:26 AM

Fortunately, Ive had far too nice a day get riled by the musings of people who think 'dem paintins and dat book-learnin' it implies are a bad thing :)

Ray, I find your lack of pants disturbing :D

06-12-2008, 6:47 AM
If anything, listening to the RHCP requires a lack of taste.
If that's true, I'm glad I lack taste, 'cause I like the Peppers.
 Rogue Nine
06-12-2008, 8:29 AM

A wise man once told me...
It is ridiculous to expect everyone to commit every post in a manner that 100% agreeable, politically correct or even gramatically correct! It's often the posts that are left of field, slightly abrasive or plaintative that reveal most to us about the interesting group of people we are amongst, many of whom have become friends over time.
Words to live by, I think.

And so I'm not completely off topic, let's end the post with a few words from the good lads of RHCP.

"Destruction leads to a very rough road,
But it also breeds creation."
06-12-2008, 8:37 AM
Ray, meet your Nemesis: The Full Stop! (aka Period) (

@Niner et amicis... Using a pretty, classical painting as a desktop is a great idea when you have a nice large display as a monitor. it looks nice to to have such a thing as your deskie >>observe how it wonderfully complements the color of my wall (and the rest of my study which as a similar classical theme) During moths when I am having to write stuff up for work or uni, I spend a bit of time in there, so its nice for it to be pleasing to the eye :D

* * *

On topic:

Speaking of SW references in popular media, my favourite has to be the entire episode of Law & Order SVU, whose main characters were populated with SW/EU character names :)

Wes Janson
Cal Oman (Cal Omas in SW/EU)

I thought I was going nuts as I could never find a mention of it anywhere... but alas, the interwebs saves the day >>> it was Eps 7, Season 3, the episode was called Sacrifice (

The teleplay writer was obviously an EU fanboy, I wonder if the producers were notified? :p

 Det. Bart Lasiter
06-12-2008, 9:05 AM
i concur with rayston :carms:
06-12-2008, 9:19 AM
Hah, awesome.

I've listened to Californication quite a few times and never noticed that.
06-12-2008, 11:37 AM
It really doesn't surprise me in the least that Red Hot Chili Peppers made that reference in their song. It's done more often that you think. My favorite song that contains such references is by called "A Little Too Far" by Savatage. Here's the particular verse....

And all those things we thought we learned
As we watch our bridges burn
While standing in the afterglow
I guess we gave them quite a show
And who's to say what it's about
When John Wayne caught the last train out
And Spock and Kirk have had enough
And no one's left to beam me up
06-12-2008, 11:56 AM
i concur with rayston :carms:

On topic please, Ray's Scrappy Doo.

* * *

On Topic:

For those of us that watch 30 Rock and Boston Legal(with William Shatner), there is a SW and Trek reference in their pretty much every epsiode(respectively) :) I dont mind 30Rock, but Boston legal is a bit of a chore, but well worth catching those famous Kirk lines from the man himself.

 Det. Bart Lasiter
06-12-2008, 2:33 PM
On topic please, Ray's Scrappy Doo.first off, i resent being compared to scrappy doo. second, i am the daphne to his fred, mr. moderator man.

p.s. what would scrappy doo be in latin?
06-12-2008, 2:34 PM
Scrappius Dooius?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
06-12-2008, 2:35 PM
i'll enter that into my mental dictionary and mark it with a little question mark but i'd rather have astro's expert advice on this one, iny.
 Ray Jones
06-12-2008, 2:51 PM
Do I notice a Stargate reference there, jay?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
06-12-2008, 2:53 PM
i dunno, i was kinda meh'd by the movie so
 Ray Jones
06-12-2008, 2:59 PM
the teve series bro
06-12-2008, 3:07 PM
Yeah we're done here.
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