Has anyone picked this up yet, any hope it can be edited and modified? I haven't seen any threads really talking about this new engine yet and sure would like to see some hope it can be modded.
Thanks. :)
Has anyone picked this up yet, any hope it can be edited and modified? I haven't seen any threads really talking about this new engine yet and sure would like to see some hope it can be modded.
As far as I have heard Mass Effect uses the Unreal 3 engine, though I don't have it yet so I can't verify. If Bioware has shipped UnrealEd with the game it should be fairly easy to mod.
I have it, they didn't, so you can't.
That limits things substantially then. I already own it for X-box but have ordered it for PC for the hell of it. I think if i really focus, i can churn out some mods for it. It's something i'd love to do.