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How Do I change Anyones Starting Inventory?

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 Lord Dagron
05-17-2008, 10:01 AM
I'm trying to edit Trask but I'm stuck. How do I change his inventory? I've tried but I'm having no luck. Please can someone help me. Thanks in advance.
05-17-2008, 10:05 AM
You need to edit .utc files; and specificially click on inventory. I'm not sure if Trask has one, you may however want to have a look at the following Mod by Shem, and how he added things to Trasks Person...;64116)
 Darth Payne
05-17-2008, 11:07 AM
What exactly do you want to edit about Trask?

I could always do it for you if you could give me a good enough explenation of what you want done.
05-19-2008, 10:08 AM
You can simply just click on the Trask file that displays the Creature Editor, click on Inventory at the bottom left hand corner (or right, I don't remember) and simply locate the item you want in the tree display and click and drag it to the appropriate icon. If you drop the items in the Inventory box, when the character joins you, thoughs items automatically becomes you items.
 Lord Dagron
05-21-2008, 8:55 AM
Thanks guys. Ferc also helped.
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