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Jedi Trials

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05-14-2008, 11:26 AM
I know the issue of PS3 and 360 not getting Duel mode has been thrown around, but am I the only person that thinks that of all the 5 levels not going to be included in the PS3/360, the Jedi Trials is one that all platforms should have had?

When I heard that 5 levels will be given to other consoles to make up for the lack of DMM/Euphoria, I thought, well, okay fine... but when I heard one of them would be the Trials, I thought "damn, what a cool idea, for the apprentice to go complete the trials".

Maybe I'm the only one, but its definitely one more point to be extremely jealous of.
05-14-2008, 11:56 AM
I would be more jealous of duel mode, that is probably the game's best feature IMO, I'm probably going to get it for multiple platforms so I can have both the dmm + euphoria game and the duel mode.
05-14-2008, 11:58 AM
I totally agree. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I still think it's lame. The PS3 and 360 versions should include them too.

However, in the long run it will just cost me an extra 50 bucks or so because I plan on getting the 360 version and the Wii version as well.
05-14-2008, 12:02 PM
ya, I'm in denial about the duel mode, I'm still holding out for it being added later, but the Trials have really got me down, that'd have been sweet.

My girlfriend likes only likes mario games (kart, smash, etc.) so maybe it'll be a good excuse to get her a Wii for her birthday...
05-14-2008, 1:05 PM
Why does everyone think the duel mode will be incredibly awesome, as opposed to the millions of other duel modes in millions of other games?
05-14-2008, 1:13 PM
I'm gonna get a wii soon I think, 360 is my primary console but, I wanna taste all the flavors if possible
05-14-2008, 3:42 PM
It's not that duel mode will be the best out of any game, I think there are two issues.

1) Lightsabering your buddy, or someone else online is just plain cool
2) It's like you're being given something, but then have it taken away. You hear about this awesome (supposedly) duel mode, and you immediately anticipate playing it, and then hear it's only for Wii etc.. I don't think people would have as much of a problem if multiplayer just didn't exist across any platform.

That's my deal with the Trials. The fact that the content is there, but I can't access it makes it harder to swallow.
 Zerimar Nyliram
05-14-2008, 8:57 PM
What I want to know is, how will these five additional levels be available? Do you unlock them and then go back and play them as bonus levels or are they integrated right into the main quest?

Also, I've heard it theorized that they may eventually be made available through XBox Live.
05-14-2008, 9:18 PM
Why does everyone think the duel mode will be incredibly awesome, as opposed to the millions of other duel modes in millions of other games?
Video games companies keep making duel mode games because a lot of people really like them. Part of what makes duel mode games intriguing is the character set you get to choose from. Star Wars fans that like duel mode games will obviously have their interest piqued by that.

Additionally, it will attract people who don't necessarily like duel mode games but love Star Wars, because of the character set. I fall into this group.

And lastly, using the Wii remote as a lightsaber and the nunchuck accessory for force powers is just awesome. That's attractive in both the game and duel mode. It's the first game that allows you to be your choice of many classic SW characters.
05-14-2008, 10:58 PM
I think the duel mode will be incredibly awesome because it has so many characters from the SW movies and EU and to use those characters with the imitation-physics systems and to be able to recreate famous scenes from the movies just sounds awesome.
 Serpentine Cougar
05-14-2008, 11:27 PM
I've always wondered what it would be like (and thought it would be pretty cool) to play a completely Star Wars themed fighter game like Soul Caliber. (Soul Caliber 4 wouldn't count because it only has two Star Wars characters.) TFU's dual mode would let me live that dream!

I think this might be the first game that'll actually be worth having on multiple systems.
05-15-2008, 12:37 AM
ive only got an xbox and really dissapointed about the duel mode only being on the wii, i i played the duel mode on Ep 3 game on ps2, though it was fairly crap they could have improved it so much more. Which is wat their doing on the wii i dnt see why they cant put it on the other versions. Wii are getting these trial levels giving them a awesome duel mode with a tonne of characters is a crime cos it would sooooo much fun.
05-15-2008, 11:41 AM
Why does everyone think the duel mode will be incredibly awesome, as opposed to the millions of other duel modes in millions of other games?

Totally agree, Duel modes suck. You can't be on a team with your friend. All you can do is compete, which can be fun but also aggravating. I would rather, as I have said before in these forums, have a full on multiplayer mode. Even if that takes a little away from the singleplayer. I just want a mode where me and a friend or two can take on legions of jedi and stormies with our own customizable characters.
05-15-2008, 11:46 AM
I agree with Darth Moeller (or House?). kicking Darth Tyranus's old a$$ around using Darth Vader, or any combination from the movies would be really cool.

It brings me back to street fighter days, picking your favourite character as your own personal force ass-kicker and dominating your buddies.
05-16-2008, 3:26 AM
I agree with Darth Moeller (or House?). kicking Darth Tyranus's old a$$ around using Darth Vader, or any combination from the movies would be really cool.

It brings me back to street fighter days, picking your favourite character as your own personal force ass-kicker and dominating your buddies.

yes i love vs modes like street fighter, but the multiplayer idea is good too shame ps3 n xbox 360 wont get anything of the like, we can only dream
 Ctrl Alt Del
05-16-2008, 12:59 PM
1) Lightsabering your buddy, or someone else online is just plain cool

Yeah, well, do be careful. (read: Teras Kasi)
05-16-2008, 1:33 PM
 Ctrl Alt Del
05-16-2008, 1:40 PM
05-16-2008, 2:12 PM
I think I missed something
05-20-2008, 4:48 PM
nvm missed that it was a link. i see your point
05-24-2008, 3:51 AM
I totally agree. I understand the reasoning behind it, but I still think it's lame. The PS3 and 360 versions should include them too.

However, in the long run it will just cost me an extra 50 bucks or so because I plan on getting the 360 version and the Wii version as well.
yeah, same here. 360 for the awesome force-ness, Wii for duel-mode, Jedi Trials, and of course, wiimote-lightsaber. XD

I've always wondered what it would be like (and thought it would be pretty cool) to play a completely Star Wars themed fighter game like Soul Caliber. (Soul Caliber 4 wouldn't count because it only has two Star Wars characters.) TFU's dual mode would let me live that dream!

I think this might be the first game that'll actually be worth having on multiple systems.
yup, agreed again, lol
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