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Corpse fade timer

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05-01-2008, 6:28 AM
Corpses of the people I kill usually fade moments after they die. I think this takes away from the immersion, especially when they start disappearing halfway through a big battle. Is there a command to prolong the time corpses stick around?
 Wedge Suron
05-01-2008, 7:39 AM
Not all corpses do fade though, until you exit the module.
05-01-2008, 7:42 AM
The game is programed so only three corpses will appear at the same time. Once there is a four corpse or more, the older one(s) slowly will disappear.
05-01-2008, 7:48 AM
Corpses of the people I kill usually fade moments after they die. I think this takes away from the immersion, especially when they start disappearing halfway through a big battle. Is there a command to prolong the time corpses stick around?

You may be able to fake it via scripting using the SetIsDestroyable() function. It can be used to make a corpse stay indefinitely after a creature has been killed. If combined with a delayed command that sets the corpse to be destroyable again it might be possible to simulate corpse fade after the desired amount of time.

This would mostly be useful in specific cases though since it will be a pain to make all creatures in the game run such scripts, and it might affect performance noticeably.
05-01-2008, 12:12 PM
This would mostly be useful in specific cases though since it will be a pain to make all creatures in the game run such scripts, and it might affect performance noticeably.

How badly would it affect high-end machines? i.e. Would it be the game engine struggling and not the machine, if corpses stayed around for longer?
05-02-2008, 12:54 AM
I have a feeling it'll be the game engine. I can play Hitman 4 smoothly but KotOR and TSL have very average framerates for me. Has to be the game engine. Neverwinter Nights had way better performance for me too.
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