I am doing a mod that reintroduces the Heart of the Guardian crystal and the Mantle of the Force crystal, with a few surprises if i can fix this little problem.
I got everything made and the sabers work but there are no crystals inside them.....all of the other crystals work like the blue and the other colors all work but the Mantle of the Force crystals and the Heart of the Guardian crystals don't work...and im trying to find out if i can give a color crystal a certain attribute is that possilbe?
You can give them properties like you can with power crystals, but you can't change the properties of other crystals like you could in one (as said in the other thread).
Sounds like the problem is that you haven't entered everything into upcrystls.2da correctly.
OK i got everything working but i am wondering if the extra things i put on the crystal will still count towards the overall damage.... like i added 2d8 energy damage and 1d10 fire damage to the color crystal but will they actually do the damage?
You may not give the crystal attributes, color crystals have no internal attributes, the saber uti they make can however.
Think of a color crystal as the "key" that unlocks a certain saber when used. To make a color crystal you need to also make the saber or sabers uti files it produces when used. ;)
You may not give the crystal attributes, color crystals have no internal attributes, the saber uti they make can however.
Yeah, that's what I meant. ;)
I was just updating my saber color mod, and had precisely the same problem when I forgot to put upcrystals.2da into Override. So you must have entered something wrong. My guess is that you forgot to add in the name of the crystal .uti in the template column.
for the lines that said g1_blah blah blah yeah i had to get rid of the 1! the 1! And the saber uti. are being stupid so I just made a brand new upgrade crystal which i think people will like but i have a little survevy question for all of you people....
Name the most useless upgrade crystal other than the rubat(already replaced).
and is there anything people would like to see in the new crystal?