Where would the sound files for the dialog stuff be?
For TSL they are in the Streamvoice folder For K1 they are in the Streamwave folder and then split up by module.
I know they're in the streamvoice folder, but I can't play them when I open them up in WMP. Is there a way to make it so they can be?
They are actually .mp3's named .wav for some reason. Download Miles sound tools here
http://www.radgametools.com/mssdown.htm) it can play them in there current form and decompress them if renamed extension to .mp3 for editing.
You have to change files extension from *.wav to *.mp3, and then you can simply play them in Winamp for example. Or simply use Miles Sound Studio and play them without changing the extension
EDIT: Stoney beat me :xp: