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Still a problem with the Module Editor of KOTOR Tool

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04-09-2008, 9:59 AM
A few months ago I have started on a project to begin my creation of a KOTOR III but unfortunatly I'm still having problems with bringing my downloaded modules from Fred Tetra's site and everything looks in order but they still don't show up in the program's module directory.

I have downloaded the mapinfo file or something to that name and it doesn't do anything.

I have all of the .map files in the map file in program file.

When ever I try to bring up a map file in the Module editor, a message comes up saying that there is no .GIT file and when I extract the module I want to edit, it says that there is no .MAP file. Simply put, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I would greatly appreciate any help. THANK YOU!
04-09-2008, 4:37 PM
Well, did you make sure that the map files are where they're supposed to be? (I can't remember where though...) Failing that, are you making sure that the maps you're opening are maps that you have. (e.g. you have the map: p_korr_m39aa, and you extract that module for editing) Otherwise, I don't know how this can be solved.

Hope this helps... in some way.
04-09-2008, 5:05 PM
I have all of the .map files in the map file in program file.
I may have read this wrong but the .map files have to be in the maps folder inside the main program folder, for example they should be in C:\Program Files\Kotor Tool\Maps\

The MapInfo.bfd file should be in the main folderC:\Program Files\Kotor Tool\

04-10-2008, 12:38 AM
harIII, how many threads are you going to post and re-post about this? I count 3 threads currently active on this topic by you.

Sorry but we have a 1 thread per topic rule, so this one has to be closed, please use your thread ( in the KotOR Tool Forum, which has already been merged once and you have recieved a direction to not make more threads about this in that very thread. I am closing the others, use only the one thread linked to above for this issue.

I'm sorry you aren't getting the exact help you desire but you may not spam our forums with repeat threads, sorry.

Edit: I am also closing your redundant threds...
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