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The Sith Lords Restoration Project Trailer

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03-23-2008, 1:06 AM
So i was browsing youtube and found a trailer for Team Gizka's The Sith Lords Restoration Project Mod. I was so excited i peed my pants. Yes, Peed my pants. I thought i would post this before i went and changed into some dry clothes.

The video was posted in 2006... that's a long time ago.

Is this project still alive?

Is this mod out and i am just too dumb to find it?

Can somebody help me before my head explodes from excitment overload?
 Sith Holocron
03-23-2008, 1:13 AM
Check this thread and read the whole thing. . .
 Jae Onasi
03-23-2008, 2:53 AM
Question asked and answered. :) I'm closing the thread to prevent further spamming/flaming. Welcome to the boards, NiuHaka.
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