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[WIP]Darth Bandon Head

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02-29-2008, 10:59 PM
I am starting this mod along with my K1 Republic Armor mod and K1 Chiss Head but this one will be easy for me :). I am starting a Darth Bandon as PC mod. I will might have Dark Side Transitions but at this point I am not sure. I have already Started work on this. All I need to do is a little 2da. editing and the Portrait so enjoy when it's done :)
02-29-2008, 11:23 PM
It might be pretty cool. But what are you going to do with the existing Bandon? Is he going to stay the same and see his twin brother?
02-29-2008, 11:30 PM
Hmm legitimite point.....I will mix up Bandon's Apperence, maybe change him to a Dark Jedi? Any suggestions?
 Ghost Down
03-01-2008, 3:12 AM
Sounds cool, always wanted to play as Bandon. As for the real Bandon's head, how about changing it to the bald asian guy?
03-01-2008, 3:19 AM
Hmm legitimite point.....I will mix up Bandon's Apperence, maybe change him to a Dark Jedi? Any suggestions?

I was just about to say Selkath but decided not to

Anyway I suggest changing Bandon to the dark jedi who uses the same model that just has a lighter torso
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