Hi over there ... well I always had a problem with shields activation when I add a shield to an NPC, sometimes the NPC activates it automatically before fighting (when turns to hostile) and sometimes not ... for example in the vulkars .utc's but happens all over the game NPC's ... :(
Of course if I put a shield in a forearm band, let's say a sith shield, I want it to be activated when I attack the NPC or when he/she turns to hostile.
So, where can I check this or set it?? :confused:
Do I need an specific feat to equip shields? :giveup:
that's it for now, thanks on advance as usual ;)
Shield activation is handled by the AI scripts for the NPC. The AI script activates based on a random desicion making process within the script to account for a more random behavior of an enemy rather than a predictable nature. Having every enemy always activate there shield loses the oppurtunity for a sense of realism.
I see, it's good to have that random behaviour, still, is there a way to increase the probability of activating a shield for a specific NPC, let's say if I want a character to have 15 or 20% more chances of activating it when turning to hostile? :rolleyes:
thanks darkkender :)