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kotor 2 robes for kotor 2

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02-20-2008, 4:01 PM
do any of you guys know where i can get kotor 2 robes for kotor?
 Marius Fett
02-20-2008, 4:06 PM
Do you mean get the robes from TSL into K1?

Two things:

*This should be in HL.

*This would be porting and is illegal.

And then why didn't you report the post instead of spamming here? --Jae
02-20-2008, 6:47 PM
*This would be porting and is illegal.

Actually no it isn't. Officially if you have both games then it isn't illegal. But if you release your mod then people who don't have both games can download it. Which is illegal. If you port the TSL robes to K1 and you own both games then you are free to do so.
 Jae Onasi
02-20-2008, 7:59 PM
Porting from K1 to TSL and vice versa is indeed against forum and LucasArts policy unless the assets are present in both games. Sorry, but we can't discuss it here per Forum rules (

7. Mods containing assets (models, textures, sounds, etc.) ported from another game are prohibited

It is against Lucasarts policy to port assets from one game to another. Holowan Laboratories does not condone porting of this nature, and moderators will close or delete any thread or posts discussing such mods, even if it is for your own personal use. The exception to this is if the asset in question is present in both KOTOR and TSL. Modders may create from scratch mods that resemble assets from another game.
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