Can someone tell me a script to make the PC and the whole party die?
And I have a minor other question: When you want to show the name of your PC in dialog, do you type [FULLNAME] ?
Not too sure about the script but if you want the PC's name to appear in dialog you have to type <FullName>. You can also use <FirstName> and <LastName> as well as several more.
They're all listed in stringtokens.2da.
Can someone tell me a script to make the PC and the whole party die?
void main() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < GetPartyMemberCount(); i++) {
object oParty = GetPartyMemberByIndex(i);
SetMinOneHP(oParty, FALSE);
SetPlotFlag(oParty, FALSE);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oParty);
Thank you Stoffe :)
DarthDingDong: What's the difference between <FirstName> and <LastName>? Does it display different things?
Well say your PC's name is Muhammed Ali. If you enter <FirstName> it will say Muhammed in the conversation. But if you enter <LastName> it'll say Ali...
But what if you only name your PC Muhammed and enter <LastName> in a conversation? Will it say Muhammed since it is the last one, though it is the first one too?