Like the title above. Some of us have read the so far three Republic Commando Series. I think the books are pretty cool too, but since this is about the game. Dont flame me!
It's a good idea, but not enough people really post on these boards. They didn't even add a Battlefront: Renegade Squadron board to the Battlefront section, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
I have read the first book. And Iґve not completed the second part.
The third comes later to us.
i read all three and am egerly awaiting the fourth i agree with Swiftkiller234
If there was a big enough forum presence it might be possible, but only with enough expressed interest.
i think to that would be good ive seen lots of references to the book so why not put up a section for it???
If you really want to talk about the books you should go to Sorry, can't advertise other sites in our posts. --Jae
I joined lucasforums because I like the clone commandos, but when I came on Brothers All I noticed they had much more to offer (like a books section).
I don't think they'll add a books section here, mainly because the less of interest like MachineCult said.
You can always start a thread. If it gets huge or there are multiple threads on different SW books, then we can look at starting a forum. :)
mainly because the less of interest like MachineCult said.
*looks around*
...what interest?
No one's here :)
I THINK THAT'S AN EXCELLENT IDEA!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT MYSELF!!!! I don't care what people would think of it, cause it would be awesome if we had a book section. YOU GOT MY VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I THINK THAT'S AN EXCELLENT IDEA!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT MYSELF!!!! I don't care what people would think of it, cause it would be awesome if we had a book section. YOU GOT MY VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Too bad the original poster hasn't been on since 2007, and too bad these forums aren't too active. If they were as active as the Jedi Knight Forums or the KotOR Forums a book section would be plausible. But since it's not, a book section isn't going to happen. : /
BTW, welcome to LF. :p
Give it up guys, really... Welcome to Deadshot
Thanks LordOfTheFish. It's nice to be welcome. I'm glad that i joined up! =) Thanks again mate.
well im going to take Jae's advice and start a thread and see where that gets us