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Jedi Spawner

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 Darth Xander
12-10-2007, 4:56 PM
What this does is give your pc a Jedi Spawner from the second he/she emerges from the kolto tank in Pergaus. This armband spawns a Jedi right next to your pc, this Jedi will help you with your battles and follow you around like a party member.

I advise that you do not spawn over 10 Jedi as your computer will probably get a huge lagg which will most likeley cause your game to crash.

Credits to DarthDingDong, Dak Vesser and Glovemaster. Without these guys this mod would not have worked.

Clickie (;84961)
12-14-2007, 8:15 PM
I have what is probably a silly question, but I'll ask it anyway. How do you summon the Jedi helper? The armband is on my character, but I have no idea what to do to get the Jedi to appear.
 Marius Fett
12-15-2007, 4:00 AM
Activate the armband! Click on it...
12-15-2007, 9:48 AM
That's just it there is no icon or anything in the shield area - where activiate the shield during a fight. So how do i activate it and what do i click on?
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