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How would I go about making this mod?

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11-04-2007, 5:40 PM
I want to copy the mandalorine academy and place it on another planet. Thats all I really want to do. (not delete it from where it originally was, but just make it so there is two, one on both planets). Am I able to do this? And would it be relatively easy?
11-04-2007, 6:44 PM
do you mean a brand new planet or one already in the game?
either way, yes, it would be possible, though i can't say how easy it'd be.
 Master Zionosis
11-04-2007, 7:02 PM
It depends on what you want to put in the second academy, the more story you make the harder it'll be to complete it.
11-04-2007, 7:31 PM
Just on a planet already made. Thanks for the replies. Would anyone know how to place things at certain places? Im having trouble on how to do that.
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