I have been looking for a tutorial on how to add unique items to the random loot found in the game.
For Sith Lords, simply follow the naming convention used by the game itself for your new item. The script that generates the random loot doesn't care if wooden piston fiber #27 was made by you or someone at Obsidian :)
If you do use the "fill out the blanks" method to add new items random loot, keep in mind that the number at the end of the UTI filename is linked to the player's character level to determine when the item becomes available (you can only get some of the better loot at high levels), so if you add items at the end of the number sequence they won't become available until later in the game.
This post (
http://lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1894793&postcount=8) contains some info about how the Random Loot scripts pick what items to spawn.
If you want to add new items of a type that doesn't have any vacant "slots" in the number series, or want to add low-level loot, you'll have to modify the random loot system to include your items. The problem with doing this is that this isn't just a single script, but a huge bunch of scripts that use a set of include files, all of which would need to be recompiled.
To make it a little easier to add new items without having to recompile all those scripts I modified the random loot scripts to trigger an external script where custom items could be spawned. You can get it here (
http://www.algonet.se/~stoffe/randomloot.rar) if you want it. The "plugin" script (which is the only one that should be modified) is 000_custom_loot.nss, it has code comments at the top that explains how it works. The normal random loot scripts (in the compiled filder) runs this script.