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K1 Head Modding Problem

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10-19-2007, 4:19 AM
Before any one says "Why didn't you search?" I tried, but clicking search this forum did nothing in Firefox, and wasn't even there in IE.

Now for my question. Using this
I managed to get a Twilek head to show up for selection of the PC, but it is not using the custom skin. Instead it is using Yuthura Ban's default skin, in all the cases, Soldier, Scoundrel, and Scout.

appearance.2da looks like this:
(Row Label) Label normalhead backuphead
512 P_FEM_T_SML_01 106 ****
513 P_FEM_T_MED_01 106 ****
514 P_FEM_T_LRG_01 106 ****

All other fields remains the same as the rows they were copied from.

heads.2da looks like this:
(Row Label) head headtexvvve headtexvve headtexve headtexe

Any ideas?

Edit:Removing all other mods from the game results in the head being displayed with a default green twilek skin.
Edit 2:Looking in a hex editor at the model contains references to a twilek_fo1 and N_Twilek. I tried removing them, replacing them with 00 strings, but that crashed the game. I also tried to replace twilek_f01 with PHTF01, but that also crashed the game. I don't remember having to modify any models the last time when I made a custom male twilek head for the game. Could this really be what's causing the default green and Yuthura Ban skins to show up on the model instead of my custom skin?
10-21-2007, 12:08 AM
New problem now. I figured that maybe in hex editing the model, what I'm replacing twilek_f01 with should be the same amount of characters so simply changed the f to a p and renaming the skins and models as well as modifying heads and appearances 2das appropriately. Now starting the game produces a headless character in the character creation screen.
10-21-2007, 9:19 AM
New problem now. I figured that maybe in hex editing the model, what I'm replacing twilek_f01 with should be the same amount of characters so simply changed the f to a p and renaming the skins and models as well as modifying heads and appearances 2das appropriately. Now starting the game produces a headless character in the character creation screen.

Yes, when you substitute model and texture names with a hex editor the new name must be the same number of characters as the old ones, or you'll either overwrite other data, or mess up internal file offset pointers badly.

If the character is headless make sure the heads.2da, appearance.2da and portrait.2da lines for your appearance are properly linking to each other (i.e. referring to the correct line number in the other file). Also make sure you set texture names properly, texture names set in the 2DA (if you do this) should not include the TextureVariation number at the end, generally.

Also, if you've renamed a model, make sure you rename the model internally in the file as well with a hex edit. It should match the name of the file.
10-21-2007, 4:43 PM
Ok, you're not going to believe this , but it was the dumbest thing.

The model had the wrong file name, by one letter. Instead of twilek_p01.mdl, I had twilek_po1.mdl. It's working now, but still with unexpected results. It looks like this.

Here's screens of appearances.2da and heads.2da if it might help.

Please ignore that there's two line 510's. The lines in question are 512, 513, and 514.
10-21-2007, 9:24 PM
Does anyone know why this is not working? Why the texture is not being applied to the model? This is getting to be incredibly frustrating. I'm even having this problem with body models, not just head models.

What is it I am doing wrong, or not doing at all?
10-27-2007, 5:44 PM
Texture problems as in white bodies or what is the problem you are talking about?
10-28-2007, 6:27 AM
White bodies and heads. The models are showing up in game without the textures. See the screenshot.

It's strange though that I don't have this same problem with KOTOR 2. Skins and models show up fine.
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