I'm trying to look at source scripts for mods, but I can't open them in KotOR Tool. I get a variety of errors ranging from "Out of memory exception" to "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." Can anyone help?
There may be information not reading in from KOTOR tool that it doesn't recognize. I would recomend trying to open the scripts in notepad. If you can't then there is a problem with the script source itself. If your looking for a script editing API(Like notepad). I wrote a NSSeditor tool that you can open scripts in and compile from. That or Loneferret also wrote one they can be located using a search in the main tools section.
I found your tool (and Loneferret's), but it was linked to pcgamemods. Is there any other place I can download them from?
I'll try to get them re-uploaded to my site this evening or this weekend depending on time and I'll send you a PM.