a while back i was playing psychonauts and i got a little worried by the floating bear with the angry face. mainly i was thinking:
1. why is the bear floating?
2. why does the bear have an angry face?
3. why does the bear have magic?
4. why does the bear hate small children?
5. why am i still standing in this spot?
so i went away and jumped down the tree-tubes to the sexy tram. yes. those were good times. what are some good times that you remember about psychonauts! That is the question.
answer key:
2) it's a bear
3) it was a really a druid that had just used wildshape
4) druids are notorious for their hatred of humans
:chinaman: is the answer to everything
:chinaman: is the one true path to satori
:chinaman: is an Asian looking guy w/ Rotarkinson Syndrome.
:chinaman: can divide by zero.
ok guys so far only jmac and niner provided any sort of answer to the question, which constitutes a mere 40% of the total
this means war
3/8 = 37.5% although more like 100% since my second post reveals all
and if you weren't counting your post it's like 42%.
40% total of unique posters that replied lulz
perhaps you are correct on your second point, druids do seem to like doing crap like that
that's not the total total
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use fixed width jmac
That cat has Bowie eyes!crazy, i thought it was sort of like ysanne isard myself
it was made to use ms mincho or other japanese fonts idort
crazy, i thought it was sort of like ysanne isard myself
Sam, you're not supposed to outnerd me in public. It's rude.
And hurtful.
Like sticking your dick in a waffle iron?
i am sorry itchy, it is just how i am
samnmax, depends on whether incinerating your nether regions is more attractive than being outnerdized
i know which one i'd pick
Well, technically, you would not stick in -- more like lay between.
What does, at the end of the day, not sound cool, especially when you switch waffle iron with vagina or anus.
God, it's good to be a woman.
Really? Depict the phrase "the branch that could not hold a butterfly".