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Jedi Gauntlets

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 Darth Xander
09-09-2007, 2:42 PM
I am planning on releasing my Jedi Gauntlets. Please tell me what you think.
I have tested these on Handmaiden before she became a Jedi and they work she was a temporary Jedi
09-12-2007, 3:43 AM
I do think this is an interesting idea. :) However, I am not really sure I would ever use this item. Personally, of the NPCs I can change to Jedi, I tend to play them less and leave them in range attack mode without leveling them - until I change them to Jedi. So I normally wouldn't use these gauntlets on them at all since they will be avoiding melee until a time that they would have little use for these gauntlets. As for Mandalore and possibly Hanharr, well, I might try it with either of them - though honestly I think I would just cheat and make them Sith Marauders (or whatever) for more fun.

Also, I am not sure if your gauntlets will work exactly as you might expect. I believe "Jedi Sense" only counts the levels of the basic Jedi classes for determining the defense bonus, in which case these won't give any defense bonus at all.
 Ferc Kast
09-12-2007, 7:20 AM
I think this is a wonderful idea. :thumbsup:
 Darth Xander
09-12-2007, 12:20 PM
I am planning on updating it with force sensitive and a few dark and light powers I will repost the current screenshot with the latest image (this update should take five minutes :D)
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