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Doesn't understand anything!

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09-05-2007, 2:30 PM
I've read nearly every guide, i've downloaded everything i need, but i dont understand ANYTHING in the tutorials. I keep seeing codes, talks about files, but i just dont understand. Can anyone please help?
09-05-2007, 2:44 PM
Hi there, welcome to the forums. :)

Yeah there are a lot of tutorials that assume different levels of modding experience. To begin with, I'd just download KotOR Tool and get it installed. Then just casually browse around the different games files within KotOR Tool to get yourself familiarized with what's out there. Then when you're ready to get your feet wet, maybe start with some of Achilles' tutorial walkthroughs here ( These assume little to no modding experience.

Later on, when you know what you want to do and have a kinda-sorta idea how it could be done, the other tutorials will make more sense. And if you get stuck and the search button isn't helping out, feel free to post a question. We've all been there. :p
09-05-2007, 2:58 PM
Thanks! I looked a bit, and it kinda makes sense now. I can't wait to start modding!
09-06-2007, 12:12 PM
Okay, i've almost done the first tutorial, the one with editing lightsabers. Except the console wont show up! I've pushed every single button on my keyboard, but the console wont show! Can i please get some help? I need to know if i did it correctly.
09-06-2007, 12:23 PM
Okay, i've almost done the first tutorial, the one with editing lightsabers. Except the console wont show up! I've pushed every single button on my keyboard, but the console wont show! Can i please get some help? I need to know if i did it correctly.
Is this for TSL or K1?

For TSL, it will be invisible unfortunately (but it's still there)...

For KotOR (K1), have you made the proper swkotor.ini edits to enable the console? If not, you'll need to add the "EnableCheats=1" line under the [Game Options] header, such as:

[Game Options]
09-06-2007, 12:23 PM
Okay, i've almost done the first tutorial, the one with editing lightsabers. Except the console wont show up! I've pushed every single button on my keyboard, but the console wont show! Can i please get some help? I need to know if i did it correctly.

Which game is this for, KOTOR or The Sith Lords? If it's TSL the console won't show up, it's invisible and you have to type blindly. You'll notice when you have activated it since quick keys for things like opening the inventory, journal etc won't work (since you are typing those letters into the invisible console instead).

If it's for KOTOR (or TSL and you can't get the console to appear invisibly) you probably don't have an american keyboard on your computer. Some foreign character sets require rather arcane key combinations to trigger the console. In my case I have to press [SHIFT] [ґ] [+] [Backspace] to get it to trigger (don't ask how I managed to figure that out). :)
 Samuel Dravis
09-06-2007, 12:28 PM
I think you have to enable the console ( in the swkotor.ini file... anyways, go to the KotOR directory, open swkotor.ini, and under the [Game Option] section, put "Enable Cheats=1" (and probably "Enable Console=1" for good measure). :)
09-06-2007, 3:55 PM
Okay, its k1, and i've done the "Enable Cheats/Console=1". But my keyboard isn't english, it's danish. So if anybody knows what to press there i will be VERY gratefull.
09-06-2007, 4:02 PM
Okay, its k1, and i've done the "Enable Cheats/Console=1". But my keyboard isn't english, it's danish. So if anybody knows what to press there i will be VERY gratefull.

Have you tried stoffe's method?

In my case I have to press [SHIFT] [ґ] [+] [Backspace] to get it to trigger (don't ask how I managed to figure that out).

That or try SHIFT+(the key next to your backspace) :giveup:

That combination seems to be the English equivalent of the " ' " key USA uses (often noted as ~ but not entirely correct.. ;) hehehe)
09-10-2007, 9:59 AM
I've tried everything, but nothing works. Though i appreciate all of your help. Ah well. I'll figure it out someday.
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