would it be possible to reskin darth sidious in lego star wars 2 to look like Darth Revan and would it also be possible to take away his laughing and voices
im not sure really but then agian im not sure what reveran loks like
im not sure really but then agian im not sure what reveran loks like
Here this is Revan he is in KOTOR I and II.
yes thats him i want him to replace sidious in lego star wars II and ias i said before remove the sound from sidious like the laughs and when he gets hit here is a lin i am not the real saber-scorpion but hey i just borrowed it and i apolegize to Justin Stebbins the creator of saber scorpion but here is the link anyways
did someone did it eventually?
did someone do it eventually?
I concur.