Hey so i used to get the message everytime i load a server it would load then just say
"connection to host lost" but then someone said, Disable your sound completley and I did that and then it loaded :) but its really crappy and annoying with out sound
Could someone tell me if i can still have the sound but everytime i put the sound back on I can't connect
I have patch 1.0 but on 1.1 it still wouldnt work
so please get back to me
Thank you
Is your sound running seperate as a sound card that uses it's own software to give you sound... or is it integrated into the motherboard? If it is seperate.. try reinstalling your sound software.
Make sure all these ports are open on your computer and router: 3658, 3558, 4658, 27900, 29910, 29920, 6500. I would also make sure your firewall is configured to let the game run online.
I know if you're setting up a server online with mod maps, that the sound folder in the map has to be deleted for the server to run it correctly. But it doesn't sound like that's the problem. It sounds like an individual issue with your comp.
I couldn't play the game without sound. It shouldn't matter if you're using 1.0 or 1.1. But why play the game without the patch?