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Reinforced Jedi Robe Pack

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08-19-2007, 11:25 PM
#1 (

This mod is a pack of jedi robes that are slightly more powerful then the robes that are included with the game. There are three of them: a Jedi Robe, a Knight Robe, and a Master Robe, that can all be upgraded. And they have a new texture to help add some variety to the game (I don't know about you, but I like each of my jedi characters to have their own look). The zip also contains a file that will spawn the robes in Adum Larp's Inventory on Dantooine. :)

For properties, click here (

Download (
 Ghost Down
08-20-2007, 3:23 AM
Downloaded n' installed!

Thanks Waffle! ;D

- Ghost Down
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