I blame muthaJae for showing up and being a momma in a forum originally ruled by horny teenagers.
Teenagers by definition are horny. They were horny before I was born, we were horny when I was a teen, they're horny now, and they'll be horny when they're your kids. And I really don't care if you're horny as long as you don't post teh pr0n, say the truly naughty violates-the-TOS words, or harass the girls, seeing as there's not a whole lot of ways for you to do anything here except display said horniness verbally/pictorially. And harass the girls. :)
LucasArts has certain expectations of and standards for their partners, and if they really don't like what they see, their lawyers can make those partner sites go bye-bye at any time they want. Aristotle and the other owners have worked their collective butts off and spent their own money (in the thousands to tens of thousands) for a long time to bring this place to all of us for free, as they said here in a chat on the SWK chatbox: (
Aristotle We owe much of the forums success to others than us.
tk102 Michael = ZeroXscape Chris=ChrisC3P0... (?)
Visac Correct
Aristotle I wills say this though... for years the network ran in the red and costs us thousands and thousands jsut to keep alive. At least these days we're in the black and trust me, we do it for the fun and community, it's not a financial windfall or anything
The only thing they ask is we comply with the TOS, and that's not too much to ask. Don't know about you, but I'd rather give up posting pics of T&A, talking pure smut, or saying the f-bomb (which you can see or hear with a couple mouse clicks anyway) if it means keeping this place around so all of us can have some craziness and fun. Sorry if that puts a crimp in your sexual and verbal style.