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a new way to build a lightsaber

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06-22-2007, 4:18 PM
Ok here we go, the mod i am currently working on replaces the way you build your first lightsaber. It no longer needs the parts. After the acadamy when you normaly get the dialog from baodur about building a lightsaber, you get a workbench like dialog that lets you build your ligtsaber. The problem i am having is I still get the parts, and it puts entries into the journal. How can i make it so that I don't get a journal entry about creating a lightsaber? I dont really care about getting the parts, but I don't like the fact that there is a journal entry which refures to BaoDur building the lightsaber. BTW in the baodur dialog, i deleted the option that says ok i got all the parts.

ciao for now
07-01-2007, 5:13 PM
Hi I am just a noob here but maybe this script helps:

void main() {
SetGlobalNumber("000_Lightsaber_Built", 1);

I think it refers to the Lightsaber creation quest.

Good Luck and let me know if it worked.
07-08-2007, 10:19 PM
ok the following script is a modified copy of the "a_give_quest_ls" script:

// Gives the player the next component needed for the lightsaber quest.
// kds, 09/06/04

#include "k_inc_treas_k2"

void main()

int i = 1;
string sItem;
string sString = GetScriptStringParameter();
object oItem = OBJECT_SELF;
object oRecipient;
if(sString != "") oRecipient = GetObjectByTag(sString);
else oRecipient = GetPartyLeader();

if(GetJournalEntry("LightsaberQuest") < 40)
for(i; GetIsObjectValid(oItem); i++)

oItem = GetItemPossessedBy (GetPartyLeader(),sItem);
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_100", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_101", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_102", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_103", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_104", oRecipient, 1 );
else sItem = GetTreasureSpecific(GetGlobalNumber("G_PC_LEVEL")-2+Random(5),140);

if anybody can see some redundant or unused stuff that i can take out, please let me know. One thing though it MUST call for all three objects in the one script. Also, iis there a way to set the journal index to 40 without actually writting to the journal?

ciao for now
07-09-2007, 10:08 AM
ok people, never mind, i figured it out. Here is what the script looks like now. I believe i took out all the redundant, or extra stuff:

// This script is used to give the player the new lightsaber crystals. Note it replaces the
// original script which gives you the lspart. This script was modified by rocky348

#include "k_inc_treas_k2"

void main()

object oRecipient;
oRecipient = GetPartyLeader();
string rItem;
if(GetGlobalNumber("NEW_LIGHTSABER_QUEST") < 40)
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_100", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_101", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_102", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_103", oRecipient, 1 );
CreateItemOnObject( "pc_colo_104", oRecipient, 1 );
else rItem = GetTreasureSpecific(GetGlobalNumber("G_PC_LEVEL")-2+Random(5),140);
CreateItemOnObject( rItem, oRecipient, 1 );

ciao for now

ps yes i am aware i didnt have to keep the # 40, but i decided to.
 Ghost Down
07-09-2007, 10:13 AM
Please code your links in the future :)

- Ghost Down
07-09-2007, 11:15 AM
Please code your links in the future :)

- Ghost Down
ok , how do i do that?
07-09-2007, 11:44 AM
ok , how do i do that?

Use the VB code:

[code ] ...your code goes here... [/ code]

without the spaces in the brackets :)
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