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Intel planning to enter discrete graphics card market

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 Char Ell
06-12-2007, 9:23 PM
According to DigiTimes ( sources from multiple graphics card vendors are saying that Intel will enter the discrete graphics card market in 2008, in direct competition with AMD/ATI and NVIDIA. Intel already has 50% of the integrated graphics market and looks to be broadening its horizons with an entry into the hardcore graphics market.

So much for those rumors about Intel buying NVIDIA. :D

What do you think about this? A good thing? A bad thing? I have a feeling Astrotoy7 is booing and hissing this one. ;)
06-12-2007, 9:39 PM
Well, Astrotroy ain't a moderator so- oh wait- he is...........

I just hope they make a good one, I'm planning on getting a new Gcard And I need need one that can hande a lot.

PS. Is it unusual to have 2 CPU's?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
06-12-2007, 10:10 PM
PS. Is it unusual to have 2 CPU's?
Somewhat unusual, yes. Dual CPU systems are usually servers (or MacPros).
06-12-2007, 10:59 PM
well, if they follow their normal business plan, they'll come out with a good product, and then they'll sit on the product while other companies fly past them with much better products. then, they'll be fighting just to catch up with the competition all over again. :rolleyes:

at any rate, i don't think Intel is going to pull off this one. sure, they have name recognition, but ATI and Nvidia are definitive leaders in this sector. for them to pull it off, they'll have to put out a superior product and bill themselves as an underdog. the first one is possible if they actually put some serious time and effort into it, but i doubt the second one would even be feasible since they'd have to almost completely change their image.

my forecast: they'll put up a good fight since they have the resources, but i just can't see them stealing thunder from ATI or Nvidia anytime soon.
06-13-2007, 9:08 AM
.....What do you think about this? A good thing? A bad thing? I have a feeling Astrotoy7 is booing and hissing this one. ;)

lolz...cutmeister is that you ?? damn all these name changes :( :p Yep, that's the user formerly known as cutmeister. :) Cool new name, Char Ell--Jae

Whilst I am not an Intel fan by any means, competition is good - so if that means I'll get my XFX 8950GX2 a bit less than the price of a small car, then so be it :)

Intel's driver control sets are actually slightly prettier and less mangy and bloated than the catalyst junk control center.

 Char Ell
06-13-2007, 10:22 AM
my forecast: they'll put up a good fight since they have the resources, but i just can't see them stealing thunder from ATI or Nvidia anytime soon. I agree with your short-term assessment. It's the long term outlook that I'm concerned about.
lolz...cutmeister is that you ?? damn all these name changes :( :p 'Twas me indeed but cutmeister no longer. :) I wanted something with a more Star Warsy feel and was consistent across all the SW-related forums I post on.
Whilst I am not an Intel fan by any means, competition is good - so if that means I'll get my XFX 8950GX2 a bit less than the price of a small car, then so be it :) Heh-heh-heh. Count on Astro to always get the bestest, awesomest graphics card available. ;) I'm just thinking of how much power an 8950GX2 will need... :freakout:

I too like the idea of more competition in the computer graphics segment. My only concern is for NVIDIA. In the short-term I think they'll be fine but long term is another question. Unless Intel really bombs on their discrete graphics, not very likely IMO, then I think NVIDIA will have a tough time competing against the AMD and Intel juggernauts over the long term. They just don't have the same scale that AMD and Intel do. I think it likely that NVIDIA will end up having to agree to being acquired by Intel or will have to find other niche graphics market segments to compete in that AMD and Intel don't have a presence in.
06-13-2007, 10:32 AM
I'll try not to be a fanboy and say that I hope Intel does something good and comes up with something worthwhile. But I don't see my plans wavering from that tasty nVidia 8600 for some time now.
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