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Chiss Carth AND Chiss Canderous

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06-12-2007, 3:00 AM
Chiss Carth:;79918)

Chiss Canderous:;79919)

These 2 mods each give their respective party member the appearance of the Chiss species. This was my first time using the Paint.NET program to reskin, and if I may toot my own horn, the results were spectacular. I loved making them, and I hope my fellow KotOR players out there will enjoy using them.
06-12-2007, 5:57 AM
Nice. But why did you make Carths jacket blue?
 Darth InSidious
06-12-2007, 8:07 AM
Nicely done ;)
 Ferc Kast
06-12-2007, 10:29 AM
 Ghost Down
06-12-2007, 1:39 PM
Nice. But why did you make Carths jacket blue?
Cause he applied a blue color overlay.. :rolleyes:

- Ghost Down
06-12-2007, 3:37 PM
Cause he applied a blue color overlay.. :rolleyes:

- Ghost Down

Something like that, since I was using IrfanView at first, I swapped colors a bit. But I also think that Carth wouldn't look good with blue skin and an orange vest, but I have to admit I didn't do my best work with the Carth skin. I personally take more pride in the Canderous re-skin, so I don't argue with anyone who says the Carth re-skin isn't as good with his default clothing on. He looks good in armor though. It's just his default clothing that I admit I screwed up on. On Canderous, I finally learned how to use some of the more helpful and interesting features of Paint.NET, and I only started on Canderous after I had submitted my Carth re-skin to FileFront.
06-15-2007, 10:34 PM
Due to many people, myself included, not liking the blue jacket on Carth Onasi, I have released an updated Carth Chiss Re-skin. Below is a screen of the new Carth. Hope it's to your liking! :D

FileFront Link:;80040)
06-16-2007, 4:47 AM
Dayum! Scary.
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