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Darkside Jolee Head Reskin

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06-06-2007, 7:15 PM
Another day, another Darkside head reskin. It's similar to the Carth one from yesterday in that there are multiple variations to choose from, but this time with Jolee. :) (

The file has been sent to KOTOR Files, so I'll update the post when it gets put online.

As usual, comments and feedback are welcome. :)
06-07-2007, 2:08 AM
 Gargoyle King
06-08-2007, 10:06 AM
I'm lovin' these mods, adds a great variation for DS players? Any chance of a mission one?
06-08-2007, 11:36 AM
These reskins are just something I'm working on in my spare time whilst I study for my exams, so yeah, I'll try and get through a variety of different reskins until then. During the summer though, I'll finally have the time to finish something I've been working on for over a year now from time to time, which I'm looking forward to revealing. :P
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