Lemia smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you all too." After she greeted everyone, Lemia went behind the counter, and fixed them a drink. "I usually don't do this but... you guys don't have to pay."
Lyna turned to her friend. "So... what'cha been doing these years?" She took a sip of her blue milk. Lemia shrugged. "Well... I do have a baby now. His name's Toz. He's at home with J-3PO, the protocol droid." Lyna gasped.
"Oh my gosh! You're a mother! Congratulations! But where's the dad?" Lemia looked down. "Trey was killed by the Sand people when he was hunting womp rats. But... I'm still movin' on."
Lyna looked at her old friend. She placed a hand on Lemia's shoulder. "I'm sure he's still watching over you. Don't worry." Lemia smiled faintly.
Ganner stood up and grabed her hand and shook it. "I'm Ganner. Nice to meet you. A drink would hit the spot right about now. Thanks for it being free." Ganner said as he sat down and started drinking out of a cup.
Lemia nodded, and smiled at Ganner. "I'm always loyal to give someone a good drink. And you're welcome." Lemia turned around and worked on the drinks for other people.
As Lyna drunk her blue milk, a young man with shoulder length brown hair came behind her. He was handsome, and wore a black jacket, blue pants, brown boots, and googles on his head.
"Hello, Lyna. Long time no see." Lyna didn't turn around. "Rock. Should've known it was you." Rock smiled. "Aww, c'mon, butterfly. I just wanted to see you again. Let me buy you another drink."
Lyna turned to Rock and glared at him. "Look, the reason why I didn't want to see you again was that you kept breaking the law, bullied people..." She turned back to the counter. "And you hurted my feelings!"
Rock looked at Lyna sadly. "But Lyna---!" "You know what, Rock?! Just leave me alone!" Suddenly, she felt his hand grab her arm. Rock looked angry himself. "I said I wouldn't leave you! And I won't!"
"Rock, let go of me! Let go!!"
((Don't kill Rock, guys! I've got a plan for him.))
Cade pulled out his Blaster and put up against Rocks left temple of his skull.
"You heard the lady. Let go of her, or you will find out what it feels like to have a blaster bolt right through your head!" Cade switched the safety off of his pistol. "Your boyfriend here seems a little abusive to women, Lyna. I dislike people who threaten women..."
Ganner jumped up grabbing his saber. He ignited it and put it near Rock's throat. "Me either. Mess with her you mess with us."
" Didn't your Master ever teach you to use your lightsaber as a last resort?" Tia looked at the guys." I don't view seeing who the tougher guy is as a' last resort'.Jedis nowadays so uncivilized."
Ganner unignited his saber and put it down to his belt keeping it in his hand. He looked over at the girl that said something. "And who might you be?" He said calmly.
" Tia Allana. A Jedi.....when I want to be." the Arkanian female grinned. " Like right now I choose to be a Jedi ,hence the not minding my own business. Males and their lightsabers," she shakes her head." Some things never change. I sense the lot of you are Force users."
She looked at the guys." Did you miss the day they said' there is no emotion, there is peace' speech."
Tia let out a giggle.
"Wha', that old arcaic Jedi Code used during the old republic era? I think not!" Cade grinned, and immediatly pulled a hard look at Rock. "Now, my friend! There is the question of what to do with you... Lyna, I am open to suggestions!"
Lyna got up from the stool, and shook her head. "Don't do anything. It's all right." She turned to Rock. "I think you better leave."
Rock looked at Lyna sadly. "All right. So it's gonna be like that? Fine. I still love you though." After that, he left. "Whatever..." Lyna mumbled. She looked at the others.
"When Rock and I were 18, we use to go on joyrides here on Tatooine. I took breaks from the circus, and hungout with him."
"Ya think we're gonna get caught for this?" Lyna asked Rock, as they sped around in the landspeeder. "Not at all, butterfly. Not at all."
"We were having a good time... until we heard sirens."
"This is the Officer of Mos Eisley! Pull over now!" Lyna turned to Rock. "You heard him. Pull over!" Rock grinned. "Not a chnace." He pressed a button.
"And that's when it started."
"Rock!! What the blazes are you doing?!" Lyna shouted. "Just hold on tight, baby!"
"We went through many paths to get away from the officers, until...
"Lyna? Ya know I love you, right?" Lyna narrowed her eyes at Rock. "Yeah?" Rock pushed Lyna out of the landspeeder. "Then JUMP!!!" As Lyna was on the ground, she grew angry. "Rock, you idiot! Don't leave me!!!"
"And that's what happened. Officers got me, took me back to Bonty, and I got punished by him. I never spoke to Rock again... until now." Lyna looked down, upset at the memory of Rock.
Tia looked at Cade. " Kid I'm old enough to be your mother, so listen to your elders you might learn something.Your a Skywalker too. What is with my family and Skywalkers? " Tia turned to Lyna. " This Rock guy could have changed ....or he could still be a schutta. Best to deal with the unfinished business between you two while you have the chance, cause you may regret that you never did someday.Trust me on that." Tia gave a sad look.
Lemia placed a gentle hand on Lyna's shoulder. "What do you think, Lyna?" The young woman glanced at everyone. She felt so unsure about Rock.
"Yeah... but I can tell you, he's still the same old Rock I knew. I sense that deep in his heart... he's still mean and cruel to others. I've seen his actions. Rock just wanted me so he could impress me."
Lyna turned to Lemia, and bowed. "I apologize for what happened. I promise, nothing like this will happen in your bar again."
Lemia shrugged and smiled warmly. "Aww, don't sweat it, sweetie. I had lots of fights here before, and believe me... they were not easy to stop." Suddenly she began to giggle lowly. "But Rock pushing you out of the speeder... that's messed up." She tried to hold back the laughter.
Lyna frowned at her old Togruta friend, and smiled. "Aw, be quiet, Lemia. You think everything's funny."
Cyan, the little binjinphant, popped her head out of Lyna's bag. She needed air, because she hid in the bag for a long time.
Cade examined the stranger. She didn't look that old to be his mother.
"What makes you think I'm a Skywalker?" Cade holstered his blaster.
Lyna also looked at Tia. If she said she was a Jedi... then she could join them! "The lady seems nice. Although she doesn't look like a Jedi, I sure feel it in her." Lyna smiled.
Lemia saw the little binjinphant come out of Lyna's bag. "Oooh! That thing is so cute! What's its name?!" Lyna glanced down, and saw Cyan. She pulled the little binjinphant out of the bag, and placed it on the counter.
"Her name's Cyan. She's a binjinphant." Lyna smiled, and stroked Cyan's smooth fur. Lemia patted it as well. "Cute little girl."
As Lemia patted Cyan, Lyna focused her attention back to Tia. Then she turned to Cade. "Wait, Cade. She says she's a Jedi, right? If we gather more allies to stop the Sith, the Jedi will rise again. You think she could join us?" She waited for Cade's answer patiently.
Cade shrugged. "Thats up to her to decide..." he said simply. "Though we need allies to fight the Sith, what right do we have to demand this woman to join us?"
Payne sat in the corner table drinking his hit of juma. He studied carefully at the group, and had confirmed they were indeed Jedi, as they have said. But Payne didn't care who they were, what they were or why they were even here. He stood up from his table to exit the cantina to meet up with his appointment with his client: Syn.
Lyna sighed and looked down ashamed. "You're right Cade. I'm sorry." She saw a male Zabrak leave the cantina. He looked kinda scary, but she didn't want to think about it. But something inside her said to follow him.
She turned back to Cade and the others. "I'm... gonna go for a walk. See you guys later." Lyna walked out of the cantina. What she really wanted to do was to follow this mysterious man.
Lyna walked behind many walls, as people passed by her. She wanted to be kept unseen by him, so she wouldn't get in trouble. "Why am I always curious about things? I'm beginning to be like Cyan." She chuckled to herself.
"Michael, c'mon, we're going to follow her make sure she stays out of trouble. Cade you coming along or staying." Gannersaid, then started towards the door leading outside, Michael quickly gulping down his free drink.
"Thanks for the drink." he said as he started after Ganner.
They kept following her around buildings and around people. she seems as if she's looking for something. he thought as she seemed quick about her little stroll.
" How I know your a Skywalker...I might tell you someday.Sure I'll join you guys though I do have a co-pilot who is my best friend so she would have to come too.Our ship got ....destroyed.So we have been stranded here. She'll love you guys." Tia said.
Cade decied to remain behind. If Lyna said she was going for a walk, she was going for a walk. And besides, she could probablt take care of herself. She was a Jedi, afterall. But Cade had his worries about Lyna, if something had ever happened to her. But for now, Cade urgently needed a drink. "Could I have Corelian ale please?" he asked a bartendar, as he handed him the credits to pay for his beverage.
Cade was growing a little suspicious of this new lass. He was ever so curious as to how she learned Cade's identity. But now was probably not to worry about such things. They are, afterall, still recovering from a battle.
"I am most flattered that you're joing our crew, sis. Except our only problem is, we techinically don't have a ship... well, not a real one, anyway..."
__________________________________________________ ___________________
Payne had passed through the slave quarters to get to Eastern Mos Espa. He walked by a group of children playing with a small rubber ball, which had accidentally hit Payne on the head. The children laughed, then stopped suddenly when they saw the cold face of the Zabrak. But the mercinary gave them a smile, and roughed up the hair of one of the child slaves.
"Hey mister, you dropped this..." Payne turned around to see that a boy had held out small datapad containing info about his client's briefing of the mission. He took it from the kid, and gave him a Trugget as a reward. Payne had rarely been this kind to strangers, but the child earned his reward for his sense. "Thanks, kid..." and Payne left the Slave quarters.
He had the strangest feeling of being followed, so he turned around to see that a girl was meters away. He gave her a cold, ignorant look and walked away.
Lemia rolled her eyes and smiled. "That Lyna. She's always been curious about everything... even when I took care of her. But now that she's a grown woman... I see the same good-hearted Lyna."
As one of her fellow bartenders gave Cade a Corellian ale beverage, Lemia desperately felt like going home to her baby boy. The thought of leaving her 8-month-old baby Toz was just sad for her. But her trusty protocol droid, J-3PO, always took good care for him. So there was nothing to worry about.
"I'm sure you guys'll find a ship somehow. Many people here in Mos Espa would love to offer you rides... for creds, sometimes." Lemia told her fellow bartender to keep the service coming, until nightfall. Then she came from behind the counter, grabbing her bag.
She turned to Cade and Tia. "Well, I'm gonna go home now. You guys can come with me if you like, seeing that you all don't have a place to stay." She walked out the door with a warm smile.
Lyna continued to walk after the male Zabrak. She wondered if he was a spy... or an individual solider. She also hoped that he wasn't working for the Sith. That would be a problem.
Suddenly, she saw him looking back at her, with a cold look. She gasped, and hid behind the wall. That look brought shivers down her spine. Lyna built up her courage again, and peeked. He continued to walk. As did she.
"Where is he going?" Lyna thought to herself. This was one long walk she took... even from the cantina.
((I hope there'll be a scene where Deliah Blue and Lyna sees each and fights for Cade. That would be too funny! :lol: ))
Keira Bloom walked over to Tia.
" Hey.What's so urgent." she asked Tia.
" See that boy." Tia pointed to Cade.
" Yeah, what of him." responded Keira.
" He's a Skywalker." Tia said.
" Ohhh." Keira said." So we are hanging with them for awhile."
" Yeah.Hope that's not a problem?" Tia asked.
" No. He's a Skywalker. It's your...duty." responded Keira.
Bonty Zam landed his ship in the Docking Bay of Mos Espa. As he and his henchmen came out, he spotted the one person he despised. Lyna Honso. Bonty smiled coldly.
"There's my little slave girl again, being sneaky as always. Wonder what she's up to this time."
Suddenly, something amazing came up in his mind. Bonty turned to his Noghri henchmen. "Boys? Get ready, 'cause we're gonna have a big circus show tonight! On the outside of Mos Espa!"
As they walked back into the ship, Bonty thought of all the clever scemes he could think of. If Lyna was depressed... he would step in the game, and offer her the job back. But with a shocking surprise.
The Crazy Bantha Circus ship flew towards the outside of Mos Espa, preparing for the greatest show in the Galaxy.
Cade had considered what Lemia had said. "Or there is of coarse the option of "borrowing" a ship, without permision" he thought.
After Cade had skulled down his drink, he got up from the bar stool. "Welp, I'm sick of this place and everybody in it." Cade smirked. "I'm gonna find the others and see what they are up too. Wanna come, Tia?"
" Sure. This is Keira by the way. My best bud." Tia pointed to Keira.
Keira bowed." Nice to meet you."
Keira looked at Tia." Our ship's done for.I did see some nice ships that have been there since we landed weeks ago. It's worth checking out. Rumors around the docking port is that one of the owner's has umm... expired. So very soon I foresee a fight over the ship. I 'persuaded' a docking officer to keep an eye on it for me."
As Payne had reached the East side of Mos Espa, in no little than five minutes, he entered a sand-stone hut in the center of a courtyard, which was a Firearms and Armory Store. As he entered it, his client was waiting for him behind the desk; Jariah Syn. The interior was dark, and had various sorts of weaponry attatched to the walls. There was also a holographic Projector in the center of the shop that was shaped like a round basin.
"Your late!" Syn glared.
"Only by two minutes, Syn. I want details on this rescue mission. I also want to know everything you know of what we are dealing with here!"
As Lyna reached the Zabrak's destination, she realized he went into a small stony hut. She didn't want to go inside... but there was a roof top with an opening on it.
Lyna Force jumped on the roof, crawled over to the opened hole, and kept watch of the male Zabrak. He was with a man that had dreadlocks and green eyes. Who was he? Lyna was about to find out...
Cyan walked with Cade, wondering where everyone was at too. She liked the new people she met. They seem nice. Cyan glanced up and Cade, and squealed.
Michael and Ganner stood amongst the crowd, in the streets as Lyna jumped on the building and layed there. "What is she doing?" Michael asked as he started towards the hut. Ganner followed but then seen Cade down the street, opposite of Lyna's direction.
"Michael follow me. I think she knows what she is doing." Micael looked back at him then at Lyna. He realized Ganner was right so he followed Ganner.
Ganner walked up to Cade. "Hey where you headed to?"
As Lyna listened on to the two men's conversation below, she felt something under her break a little. She glanced down, and saw that part of the rooftop she laid on was about to break!
"Uh-oh." Suddenly, the part of the roof crack widely, as Lyna fell down. She landed hard on the desk between Syn and the Zabrak, but no harm had come to her.
Lyna shook her head, and looked up at both men. "Um... heh heh. Hi?" She knew, deep in her mind, that she was in trouble.
Lemia turned, as she was about to walk home. "Oh my gosh. What was that? I thought I heard a crash." She walked over to where Ganner and the others were.
Cyan jumped on Cade's shoulder, shocked by the crash she heard.
Ganner heard a crash but wasn't to shocked until he realized that Lyna wasn't on the roof and there was a hole where she was. Ganner and Michael ran over to the hut, opened the door and checked the scene. "Everybody alright?"
Lyna glanced at Ganner's direction. "Yeah, I'm okay. But I don't think these two men are happy to see me..." She looked up at the glaring men. "So um... you guys come around here often?" She smiled sheepishly.
Suddenly, a pink Zeltron came from another room, surprised. It was Deliah Blue. "What's going on?! I thought I heard a crash!" She looked at everybody. Suddenly, she saw Cade... the man who left her at Bastion.
"Hey where you headed to?"
"I was kinda lookin for Lyna, but it seems we have already found her..." Cade noted the crash comming from within the weapons store. He walked inside, to find a frightening Zabrak with the the scariest face, and two of his old friends; Jariah Syn and Blue.
"Thats my name, dont wear it out!" he grinned. "Its been a long time, Syn... and Deliah."
As far as Cade could tell, Blue haden't changed a bit. At first, he felt like hugging her and kissing her after what appeared to be a long time. But after Cade had saved her life in exchange for his services to the Sith, would anything been changed?
Deliah ran to Cade and hugged him. She was so happy to see him again! "Oh, Cade! I was gettin' lonely without you!" When she unwrapped her arms around him, she suddenly smacked him on the face. "That's for leaving me!"
Lyna got up in shock, after seeing her smack Cade on the face like that. She came by his side. Deliah glanced at Lyna. Then she gave her a frown.
"Uh, Cade? Who's this?"
Tia watched Lyna , Deliah , and Cade.
" I sense this not ending well." Tia joked.
Keira added." You don't have to be a Jedi to sense that."
Cade rubbed his cheek after Deliah had smacked him. He then chuckled.
"I missed you too Deliah."
"Uh, Cade? Who's this?"
He noticed Deliah frowning at Lyna. He introduced Deliah to his companions.
"Well, these are my friends. Most of them being Jedi rebuilding the Order. This here is Lyna Honso, Ganner, and these two noobies are; Tia and Keira."
((As much as it pains me to be a bearer of bad news, I am afraid I will be on a holiday. Meaning, I might not post for about a week or two. Just thought I'd let you know. You cool with that?))
((Yeah. We're cool with that. I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday! :) Everybody! Phantom Knight just asked me to do Cade, if you're all okay with that.))
Deliah folded her arms. "Oh. Well..." she turned to Lyna. "What do you do for a living?" Lyna shrugged. "I use to work in the circus."
"Oh, wow, Cade! You picked up a circusfreak too!" Lyna glared hard at Deliah. She didn't like being called that... especially from a girl like Blue! Then she pointed at the Zeltron. "Don't you ever.... call me a circusfreak again!"
Deliah grinned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I meant to say... dancer or acrobatic!" This was going to be an unpleasant scene.
" Do you think if you told them 'There is no emotion..." Keira asked Tia.
" I think were beyond the Jedi Code working now." Tia responded." Calm down guys." she told them as she reached for her lightsaber." She apologized let's just move along ,unless you want to meet my little friend called lightsaber."
Lyna and Deliah stared at each other with cold eyes. "You better watch yourself... Jedi clown."
Lyna glared. "Same to you... party girl."
Lemia covered her mouth and laughed. "Ooooh! This is like one of those fights when two girls battle with words! Gosh!" She went over by Lyna's side, and gestured her old friend to let go of her anger.
Lyna stretched her arm out for Lemia. "Hold me back, Lemia. Hold me back, so I won't have to do nothing ugly in here! 'Cause I will!"
Cade came in between Deliah and Lyna. "Girls! Can we please stop this! Blue, be nice! And Lyna... don't do anything you'll regret later." Lyna looked at Cade, and sighed.
"You're right. Sorry." Lyna turned to Tia. "You can put your lightsaber away. There is no Emotion, there is Peace. I've gotta remember that." She turned her eyes towards Deliah and frowned.
"Miss Blue here thinks she's all that! Why, that little--" Cade heard Lyna's thoughts and interrupted her. "Lyna!!"
Lemia smiled. "Good! So we're all friends! Again!" Eyes were suddenly staring at her. "What?"
((I'm back! Greetings fellow meatbags, I missed you all!))
Payne stared coldly at the man called "Cade". Looking at his armour triggered the Zabraks anger. Then Cade looked back at him, a confused look.
"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"
Payne glared at Cade, and the emblem on his armour.
"I-DONT-LIKE-MANDALORIANS..." Payne said coldly.
"Mandalorian? I aint no Mandalorian. What are you talking about?"
((Welcome back, Captain Meatbag! :lol: We missed you too! Hope you had a great holiday. :) ))
Lyna glanced at Payne and came by Cade's side. "He's not a Mandalorian, sir. Believe me, he's way from that."
Blue tugged on Cade's arm, and brought him close to her. "Yeah. Cade's no Mandy. Right Cade?" Deliah looked at Lyna and smiled truimphly. Lyna glared at her, and closed her fist real tightly.
((Oh I did. Thanks for taking care of Cade. "Did you cause any trouble while I was gone Cade?" (Cade shakes his head, and crosses his fingers behind his back) "Thats a good boy!"))
Payne walked closer to Cade, piercing blue eyes continously glaring at him.
"Your armour is branded the symbol of the Mandalorians Clans! Clearly an insult to my species after what had happened many millemnia ago..."
Cade looked down at his armour, then back at Payne.
"What, this??? I only wear it 'cause it looks cool on me... it also looks better with these Tattoos" he pulled his Jacket off to reveal the red Mandalorian tattoos on his arm. From judging the utter look of disgust on the Zabraks face, showing the Tattoos only made him feel worse. Cade slipped his jacket back on, getting creeped out from looking at the scary man's face.
"Oookay... I can imagine you are pretty angry with me... Uh, thats cool... uh, just ignore me and call me an idiot... yeah..."
(( Sweet! :lol: ))
Lemia, trying hard not to look at the Zabrak's scary face, grabbed Lyna and the others. "C'mon guys. It's getting late, and I have to be back with Toz. Nice meeting you guys!" She waved to the Zabrak and the other two friends of Cade.
Lyna turned back and made a sign to Blue, telling her that she was watching the Zeltron. Blue glared at Lyna. Then she smiled at Cade. "We're at a local inn, Cade. Syn and I will be resting there... unless ya wanna come..."
"No, he'll think about it!" Lyna interrupted. "Let's go, guys." And with that, they were headed out the small hut into the streets of Mos Espa.
"So... they seem like nice people don't they?" Cade spoke, walking with the group. "Although, I'm not sure about that Zabrak guy... he looks like someone you don't wanna mess with... Sooo, we should stop by this local inn one time and catch up with my old buddies. Especially with Blue. She hasn't seen me for a long time after... what had happened..."
Lyna glanced down sadly. The thought of Cade being with someone before her was... heartbreaking. "Great. He had a girl before we met. I can't believe it! But then... I had Rock. So... I guess we're even." Lyna sighed.
Lemia touched Lyna's shoulder. "Lyna? Are you all right? What's wrong?"
The young woman turned to her old friend. "Hm? Oh, it's nothing, Lemia. Just... some things I have on my mind right now." Lyna folded her arms, and the group continued to walk to Lemia's house.
Finally, they got there. It was like a small apartment, but comfortable. Lemia smiled as she went in. "J-3P0?! You here?!" A shiny blue protocol droid came from the other room. "Oh! Mistress Lemia! So good to see you! No worries, ma'am. The baby's asleep."
Lyna smiled at the sight of Lemia's house. It was beautiful as always. But she still felt down about Cade and Blue.
Ganner liked the apartment from the first site of it. He never really liked ginormous houses. "Looks cozier than a bed. Which I could use right now." He said as he gave out a big yawn, while covering his mouth with his hand.
Lemia turned to Ganner and smiled. "Come. I'll show you all your rooms." The female Togruta led Ganner to a nearby room. The room was comfortable and built beautifully. It was the kind of place you want to sleep in.
"Here you are, Ganner. You look tired. Why don't you sleep here, and I'll make dinner for everyone." She smiled.
Lyna turned to Cade, reading the sadness on his face. She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"What happened between you and... Blue?" She was curious of to what happened between the two... wondering if they cared for each other still.
Bonty sat in his star room of the circus and smiled to himself at the mirror. Without turning, he decided it was time. "Logan? Jorgan? I want you two to put up posters of the circus before nightfall. It's almost night time, and I've got a plan..."
Logan and Jorgan placed posters everywhere they could in Mos Espa. They were getting tired.
Suddenly, they saw Rock walking down the street, playing his guitar-like instrument and singing. Both Noghri twins looked at each other and smiled. "We got 'em."
They grabbed him when he passed by. "Hey! What's the big idea?!" Jorgan squeezed his arm. "Quiet, boy! Our boss wants to see you!" They led him back to the circus. That was enough posters for today.
"Thank you very much." Ganner walked into the room looked around and was stunned. He hadn't seen a room like this since his home on Dantooine when he was only four years old. He turned around to see if Lemia was still there. She was gone but he heard her say dinner. Ganner decided to take a shower and clean up before he went to dinner.
Once done with the shower he put some good, clean clothes on. He headed out the door. He smelled something amazing. "Oooh boy, that smells really good. Can't wait to see what it is." Ganner said as he started towards the smell.
" Were actually gonna have a real dinner not the stuff you make that actually doesn't resemble food?" Keira joked.
" Yes." Tia gave her a dirty look.
" I no longer have to fear your cooking. Yes!" Keira said as she raced out the door towards the wonderful smell of cooking , which to her was anything that didn't smell burnt.
((Welcome back, Padme. We missed you, girl! :) ))
After cooking dinner, Lyna helped Lemia place food on the table. It was wonderful. On the round table, there was: Ahrisa, Haroun bread, small pastries of Almond-kwevvu Crisp-munchies, Bantha steak, and Runyip stew for everyone. The drinks were Corellian ale and blue milk.
"Wow, Lemia. This is great food. Thanks for letting us stay with you." Lemia shrugged. "Aww, it was nothing. I just haven't seen you for a long time."
After a moment of silence and food on the table, Lemia turned to Lyna. "Lyna? Why did you leave?"
Lyna glanced down ashamed. She knew this was coming. "I left because... I was a Jedi." She shook her head. "I was so ashamed. I didn't want to endanger you because of me being a Jedi." Lyna began to cry.
Lemia came by her side and hugged her. "Oh, Lyna.... don't cry. You were protecting me. I appreciate that. But what if something happened to you? I'd been scared."
"Everything happened to me, Lemia. Cade saved my life when I was slain by a Sith." She wiped a tear. "And I owe him that. He use to tell me that 'No one should die for him', but I didn't listen. And the reason why I want to protect him is..." Lyna turned, and closed her eyes tight.
"It's okay. You can tell me."
Lyna faced her old Togruta friend. "I have feelings for him. And if he fell to the Dark Side... I'd blame myself for it!"
Lemia looked down. Then glanced back up to Lyna. "Wait here." Lemia went in the other room. When she came back out, the baby Togruta Toz was in her arms, awake and happy.
"Lyna? This is my son... Toz." She looked down on her child. "I myself want to protect my son, for whom I love. You're doing the right thing, Lyna. Don't give up on Skywalker. He seems like a good young man."
The young woman's eyes glittered with tears as she saw Toz. "He's really handsome. I feel that the Force is very strong in him too. He'll grow up to be strong and courageous... just like is mom."
Lemia smiled, crying, and placed Toz close to her. Toz looked happy when he was real close to his mother.
Lyna thought about her childhood. Though it was difficult, she still held on to the future, and hoped for the better of things. She sighed. "I hope the others come. I'm starving."
"mmmm... What smells nice?" Cade half hoped that it was cooked Binjiphant. He followed his nose to the diner room. "Man, thats nice. I only regret not helping you two with the cooking." Cade took another smell of the nice cooked aroma. "Tell you what: I'll make it up to you by clearing the table."
Ganner looks at the table being filled with food he hasn't seen before or in a long time. "That looks really, really good. And Cade I like your idea. We'll make it up by cleaning the table with the food."