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editing force powers?

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06-02-2007, 1:35 PM
Ok so I want to extend the length or increase the potency of some force powers, both KOTOR and TSL. I know the powers are controlled by scripts and I know how to compile from .nss to .ncs files. The problem I have is I have no idea how to read the code! So, will some kind soul out there point me to the line and changes I need to make to get the following:

aura/shield/armor: last 30 seconds (instead of 20)
valour: last 30 seconds instead of 20
shock(KOTOR): scale up to lvl 20

Here's hoping and thanks.
06-02-2007, 4:16 PM
Ok so I want to extend the length or increase the potency of some force powers, both KOTOR and TSL. I know the powers are controlled by scripts and I know how to compile from .nss to .ncs files. The problem I have is I have no idea how to read the code! So, will some kind soul out there point me to the line and changes I need to make to get the following:

aura/shield/armor: last 30 seconds (instead of 20)
valour: last 30 seconds instead of 20
shock(KOTOR): scale up to lvl 20

This is for KOTOR2:TSL, recompile k_sp1_generic.nss using the include file attached below. It's fairly easy to find the duration for the powers if you search for Sp_CalcDuration(), which is a function that all the duration assignments are made to (to adjust the duration for when using the Force Mastery form). The cases tend to have comments above them that says what power that section of the script is for.
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