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05-31-2007, 1:39 PM
can someone send me the file "k_creditsplay.nss" over email? I can't seem to find it in kotortool.
05-31-2007, 1:52 PM
First off.. which game? Very important for Holowan since modders here tinker with both K1 and TSL. Otherwise, most ppl will generally assume TSL (since it's the newest out)...

I'll be the first to assume it's for TSL ;)

Some scripts aren't decompiled unfortunately...

While waiting for a response, you may want to try this utility as well. Not only can it decompile (sometimes ;) ) scripts (.ncs).. it contains an archive of already de-compiled scripts (.nss). Yours just might already be in there :)

If it's NOT for TSL, I *think* the utility will still work.. but don't quote me :lol:
05-31-2007, 2:12 PM
If you mean from KotOR1, STUNT_57_s.rim (the one that plays the ending credits), I think the nss would look something like this:

void main() {
05-31-2007, 3:05 PM
Thanks tk and Chainz. I meant for K1 but maybe I'll do a story mod for TSL in the future :P
If I write something like this:

void main() {
warp "someplace"
and save it as k_creditsplay and put it in the override foler, would I warp to "someplace" instead of playing the credits?
05-31-2007, 3:20 PM
Thanks tk and Chainz. I meant for K1 but maybe I'll do a story mod for TSL in the future :P
If I write something like this:

void main() {
warp "someplace"
and save it as k_creditsplay and put it in the override foler, would I warp to "someplace" instead of playing the credits?

void main()



Would do that :).
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