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Mandalorian Wars: The Jedi Torn

Page: 4 of 5
06-14-2007, 2:27 PM
Sporting a sly grin as she watched Geonar shake Castov's hand, Lake added, "I only provided transportation, but... you're welcome." She nodded over toward the desk covered in datpads and papers. "So, what's all that about?" Her grin broadened. "Backlog of mail from being a hostage so long?" she said jokingly.
06-14-2007, 2:38 PM
"Not exactly." Geonar replied.

"I have to admit i lied to you Castov." The admiral interupted. "but i couldn't be sure if the Mandalorians had hacked our comm channels."

"I didn't think she was a diplomats daughter." Jesp replied.

"No i'm not." She replied

"Geonar is in fact a child prodigy." To'knel explained. "She has been working with the Republic research and development teams to create the Razor."

"Razor?" Castov asked.

"It's an advance surface to orbit weapon capable of disintegrating most metallic objects." Geonar informed.

"Like space ships?" Castov suggested.

"Precisely." Geonar agreed.

“Sounds like quite the weapon to have.” Castov voiced his opinion.

“Yes.” The admiral replied. “Unfotunetly the Mandalorians have captured it and taken control.”
06-14-2007, 3:11 PM
"Well, that's not good," Lake commented. She rolled her tongue thoughtfully on the inside her cheek. "I don't fancy being disintegrated, so I suppose we'll just have to go down to the surface and take it back, before they figure out how to use it. Any ideas on where it is exactly, Admiral?"
06-14-2007, 4:18 PM
"Unfortunately they've already taken a couple of shots at our Ships that strayed to close to the planet. They missed but they have probably calibrated it by now." The Admiral replied. "But we've managed to determine its location and line-of sight... Thanks to the information your team retrieved."

"She does good work." Castov complemented with a smile.

"Indeed she does." The admiral also smiled and looked at lake. "Thanks to you we have all the information we need to come up with a strategy to take back the planet."
06-16-2007, 2:31 AM
Lake raised an eyebrow. She knew the information she had retrieved had had to do something with troop deployments, but she hadn't been aware that it had encompassed enough information to actually take back the entire planet!

"So, Admiral, this briefing you're giving... you're going to assign people for missions on the surface?" She glanced at Castov and Geonar. "I don't know if you've already assigned people or if you're looking for volunteers, but I'd appreciate it you put my name down for recovering the Razor project."

"That will all be covered at the briefing," said the Admiral, although Lake could sense that that Zabrak was pleased by her enthusiasm.

Lake looked at Castov. "Should I assemble the others for the briefing then?" she asked. "Or will you and the Admiral need more time to prepare for it?"

"So anxious to get started?" the Admiral asked. "I would have thought that you could do with a few more hours of rest time."

"I don't know about the others, but I'll rest after the Mandalorians have been expelled from Corellia," Lake said determinedly.
06-16-2007, 5:08 AM
“If you can collect the Jedi and give us a few minutes to finish up here we’ll meet in the main briefing room in ten minuets.” The Admiral replied to Lake.

“It shouldn’t take you long most of them have congregated in the same place.” Castov informed the admiral. “A Jedi doesn’t require that much rest and I’m pretty sure most of share Kiel’s opinion on liberating the world. The sooner we free the world the better for all concerned.”

“Indeed, Corellia is one of Reven and Karath’s first steps in winning this war and getting the Mandalorians out of our space.” To’Knel agreed. “Padawan Lake, please be quick.”
06-16-2007, 11:24 AM
Lake nodded, then bowed respectively to the Admiral, Castov and Geonar. "I'll see you in the main briefing room," she said to Castov.

Lake left them and went down the corridor at a hurried walk, heading for the Jedi Room. She knew that most of the Jedi on board were still there, but she knew that Masters Mejia and Sapien were elsewhere. She took out her comlink and set the call frequency to their individual comlinks.

"Master Sapien? Master Mejia? The Admiral is ready for us. Please proceed to the main briefing room."

It was a short lift ride down to the Jedi Room. She could have contacted the other Jedi on her comlink too, but she thought it better to tell them in person. Entering the room, she stood in the doorway for a moment. Things had obviously calmed down--the Force felt more balanced in the room now.

"The Admiral is ready for us in the main briefing room now," she announced to them. "And it looks like we've got a big job ahead of us."
 Rogue Nine
06-16-2007, 11:31 AM
"Already?" Lux said from his seat on the ground. Despite his protest, he rose smoothly from the mat, zipped up the front of his black flightsuit and strode to the door. "Lead on, Padawan Kiel. I do so love big jobs."
06-16-2007, 12:12 PM
"Great"- I said to my self as I receive the message from Lake

I then took and putted on my Robes and deactivated the remotes, I leaved the room and went to the elevator right next to the training room to try to catch-up with Lake in the Jedi room, luckily she was right on the door of the Jedi Room.
06-18-2007, 9:37 AM
((OOC: Ok, I'm assuming that either (1) no characters have anything else to say in the Jedi Room as far as getting to know each other, or (2) no one wants to post. :( I'm hoping it's my first assumption....))

Lake grinned at Lux. "'Lead on padawan?' That sounds so... odd when you say it like that. Like I'm leading you through a mine field or something." She shook of the dark foreboding sensation she was feeling. Perhaps Master Mejia's dreams of doom were rubbing off on her.

"Well, follow me then," Lake said to Lux, and the rest of the Jedi in the room. "The Admiral's briefing is in te..." She looked at her chrono. "I mean, seven minutes. And he's got some pretty interesting things to say."

She turned and began to lead the way down the corridor to the lift.

"So, did you have a nice training session, Master Mejia?" she asked Frederick conversationally.
 Rogue Nine
06-18-2007, 9:49 AM
Lux fell in step next to Pallas and Anya, both of whom had seemed to calm down since their conversation with young Master Meija. Pallas was unreadable for the most part, as she was both a Consular and an Arkanian, making it difficult for Lux to get a casual read on her feelings. Anya was a bit easier, as he'd known his fellow Sentinel for quite some time and for the fact that she was half-Kiffar. She was a little tense, as she always was before a big mission, but Lux also suspected some tension was because of the little disagreement in the training room earlier. He nudged her lightly with his shoulder. "Hey, you okay?" he whispered.
06-18-2007, 11:57 AM
"So, did you have a nice training session, Master Mejia?" she asked Frederick conversationally

"Yes, It was necessary, I practiced in combat with Echani techniques.... then took a short break and then begun my lightsaber practice, Some Shii-Cho and Niman techniques and of course a little challenge with the remoter and when you called me I was just finishing my meditation"- I said as we where walking

“I sense that this meting will be intense, is good I meditated...”-I said to lake
06-18-2007, 12:28 PM
"I'm not sure whether to be relieved or annoyed." Kastul said as he arose from his cushion. "We're sort of running this assault on a rushed time schedule, the Republic Army needs time to rest."

As he began to walk, he winced. "Ow. Hell, the Jedi need to rest. I'm not really sure what the strategic value of Corellia is, but without control of the entire system it's worthless. What with the Drall, Selonians, and the people of Talus and Tralus, they'd have a hard time choking this system down. Bah, grand strategy has never been my strong point."

As they walked towards the briefing room, he glanced at the ceiling.

"Maybe it's just the blaster wound, but I have a very bad feeling about this."
06-18-2007, 2:24 PM
[I]"I practiced in combat with Echani techniques.... then took a short break and then begun my lightsaber practice, Some Shii-Cho and Niman techniques and of course a little challenge with the remoter and when you called me I was just finishing my meditation"- I said as we where walking

“I sense that this meting will be intense, is good I meditated...”-I said to lake"Indeed," Lake agreed. "I think it will be about as intense as your practice session was."

Her ears caught Kastul's comments, and for once she heeded her former Master's advice of 'think twice, speak once' and didn't let herself fly off the handle. Being Corellian herself, she felt obligated to defend her homeworld, even though she had never spent much time there herself. But beyond that, she knew that if Corellia fell under the control of the Mandalorians, especially with that new weapon they had confiscated, then the rest of the system would fall quick enough. In addition, Corellia was the hub of many high volume hyperspace trade routes. Control Corellia, and one would effectively control all the trade from the Core to the Outer Rim. And if Corellia fell, it would not be long before Coruscant and the rest of the core worlds would too.

"If we fail to drive the Mandalorians off Corellian, and they take root there," she said to Kastul, "they'll control most of the major trade routes. They won't need to take over the rest of the planets in the Corel system or any other systems. They'll just starve them out of existence." She paused. "And," she added, "as you will soon hear from the Admiral himself, they'll have the means to wipe out any resistance."
06-18-2007, 2:56 PM
"You're correct,We cant affort to lose Corellia, It will be a great lost to the republic and all the planets that surrond's the system."- I said to lake
06-18-2007, 3:20 PM
"I'm not saying we abandon Corellia to it's fate. But on it's own, Corellia is a worthless planet, tactically. Their shipyards are orbital, they don't have any significant mining operations, the planet has next to no infrastructure. As for the trade routes, like I said, we have orbital control. It can wait an extra day or two to let the troops recover, that wasn't a pleasant battle. Where the hell is Revan, anyway? This is his prize operation."
06-18-2007, 3:45 PM
"Revan is gathering more troops,In case you dont know,my soldiers are more than ready and they as I can fight any day,any place, any time"- I said to Kastul
06-18-2007, 5:23 PM
Mike had chosen a secluded of the ship to metitate for the upcoming briefing and battle in the planet's surface below them. The best phrase to decribe his surrondings would be 'between the walls.' Using the airvents of the ship, Mike had guided his way into a large enough space where the dozens of pipes which transported boling hot material around the ship. Although the small corridor he found was rather narrow, it was large enough to him to stand on a large pipe containing water of all things, without touching of the other pipes. From there he closed his eye's and let his mind wondered. Mike's thoughts travelled throughout areas of the ships however after a moment it seem transfixed on small group of Jedi decussing logic behind the Battle of Correlian. He could hear most of the conversation however small chunks seem to stick in his mind.

..Corellia is a worthless planet, tactically... From that phrase alone he drew the assumtion that this Jedi was arrogant and over confident in his abbilities. He is young and will underestimate his opponents and alleys without a moments hesitation and wouldn't wait to tell everyone else about it.

He could also hear the voice of Lake however the two were known to each other so he felt there was no need to draw up a profiles on her and he hadn't heard much of the other's talk to sum up profiles.

(sorry ending of the post is abit rushed.)
06-18-2007, 7:50 PM
Truth stood from where he had been sitting, having been studying possible military strategies for the capaign along with Corellian history. He had listened to the conversation, and while he felt Lake was getting too personal judging from his scans, she was right. Whether for moral or tactics, they were obligated to retake the planet.

Truth went off on his lecture with "Corellia is among the Core Worlds, which makes it a beachhead for the Mandolorian assault. It not only holds many major trade routes for economic purposes of sustaining the Republic as Commander Lake has mentioned, but it allows for assaults on virtually any vital planet, including Coruscant, in the Republic. Allowing it to remain in the hands of the Mandolorians would make winning the war near impossible, as they would exploit that possibility to its limits. What you are suggesting is incomplete military and economic knowledge. I suggest you educate yourself for the campaign to come."
06-18-2007, 11:37 PM

Anya looked up from her daze, blinking once or twice as her eyes went to Lux's. It took her a few moments to register his question, but when she did, she sprang right back to normal.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." she said, "I'm just pondering how in hell he ever got the title of Master."
06-19-2007, 1:39 AM
"Would you relax? I'm not suggesting we leave Corellia to Mandalore's hands, but take a look at the troops. They're tired. Furthermore, this is no time for a planetary assault. Listen. Do you hear the turbolasers thumping? The first and foremost thing to do in a planetary assault is an orbital bombardment, destroying key elements of hostile forces. We hit a supply depot here, a power grid there, pretty soon the Mandalorians are having trouble getting food, intel, and weapons. And in this situation, any disadvantage against the Mandalorians is devastating. We need rest, reinforcements, and we need to sear the Mandalorians before we go for the main cut."
 Rogue Nine
06-19-2007, 9:57 AM
"Easy there, tigress," Lux chided gently. "Don't dwell on that fact any longer. Instead, just hope you don't get assigned with him on whatever mission the Admiral has in store for us." He winked at her. "Besides, he's just a Knight, like you and I. Lake, in her infinite Padawan politeness, was just addressing him as is appropriate. You certainly don't have to call him 'Master'."

Overhearing Kastul's little speech, Lux smirked. "I thought you said grand strategy wasn't your strong point," he remarked to the Givin Jedi. "That seemed pretty strategic and grand to me."
06-19-2007, 10:21 AM
"Well, you know. A battle here, a battle there, pretty soon you're writing the Complete Guide to Galactic Conquest. I guess Revan is doing some long-distance rubbing off on me." He grinned. "Hopefully, this isn't just the Admiral coming to tell us about how we successfully defeated the Mandalorian fleet. I hate debriefings."
06-20-2007, 1:18 PM
"Well let's see what the admiral has to say."-I said as we where a aprouching the room. Then we entered the room and saw a few commanders and a hologram of a map in the middle of the room.
06-20-2007, 1:47 PM
((OCC- OK here’s the long awaited briefing. I’m doing as if everyone has already arrived and taken their seats. Oh and yes it contains one of my brilliant ‘same page’ maps.))

With all the Jedi assembled in the room along with several marine, the admiral activated a holographic image of a large area north of Coronet appeared. The Admiral stepped next to it and looked at the crowd.


“We have spent every moment since our space victory analysing every conceivable option to take back the planet. Our ground forces do not stand a chance taking on the main Mandalorian base located north of the Capital city. With the aid of the Data Padawan Kiel retrieved we’ve discovered the Mandalorians outnumber us, we don’t stand a chance taking this base out with a full ground assault. So we have concluded an orbital bombardment will be our best option.” The Admiral paused as he heard groans and complaints from those assembled. “I know, I Know a lot of people will die but more will if we send in the troops. Now For a successful bombardment we must over come two obstacles the first of which is a strong shield surrounding the Mandalorians. Now to take the shield out we must power down the generator and for that we have two objectives. General Jesp.”

Castov stepped forward on the opposite side of the Holo-Image and pushed a few buttons on a console high lighting a facility within the City.

“The entire base is powered by the cities main power plant, Now we’re going to disable the power being transferred from this plant to the base. The best way to do this will be to infiltrate its main control room and hacking the system to shut down the energy transfer. We’ll be sending in the marine team that helped hold the Hydian Angel along with the Jedi Tegan Marr, Anya Bethesda, Pallasyndra and Caelux Vanas. You will be landing here.” Castov pushed a few more buttons highlighting a small red dot on the image within the city. “It’s away from all the ant-air defences and fighter patrols, but it does mean you’ll have to trek through the city to get to the plant. Now once the base is cut off from the plant a backup generator will set in, this will also need to be disabled.” Once again Castov pushed a few buttons showing a second Mandalorian base and a Convoy route connecting the two bases. “Myself, Frederick Mejнa and Kastul Tyneka will be tasked with destroying this. To do this we need to get need to get inside the shield and we have determined only one way to do this. A supply vehicle travels between the two stations, we need to intercept and hijack it. Frederick and me will then disguise ourselves in the Mandalorian Armour while Kastul hides in a crate… We don’t think the armour will fit over your exoskeleton. Once inside we need to find a way to destroy the Power generator. We will also need to set up a Comm -Jammer after landing so the convoy can’t call for help when we commandeer it.” Castov turned to look at the Admiral and nodded.

“Once both objectives are complete the shield will go down, however as I said there is a second obstacle.” To’Knel Reminded “This is an Experimental Surface-to-orbit weapon called the Razor Cannon, designed by the Republic scientist Geonar. The weapon is capable of disintegrating any ship that we send into orbit over the primary base. This base isn’t as well defended as the main base so we need to take it by force and re-capture the weapon. We’re sending every troop and ground vehicle we’ve got to take it, under the command of the Jedi Mignola Sapien, UNIT ONE-ZERO-NINE and Lake Kiel. We have three landing zones, one located in the republic base south of it and the other two will land north of it. The Comm-Jammer Jesp will set also serves the purpose of jamming communications between the two bases so they won’t get any reinforcements… Once all objectives are complete a ship will be sent to wipe the primary Mandalorian base off the planets surface.”
06-20-2007, 2:03 PM
"Great Idea admiral and Master Jesp, I have 300 soldiers under my command I will transfer them to Padawan Kiel’s command, that way they will have extra help , Lake take good care of my men down there."- I said knowing and trusting Lakes abilities as commander.
06-21-2007, 7:05 PM
"I'm sure Master Sapien, Truth, and I can come up with a battle plan for a ground assault." She looked at Frederick. "And I'm sure your troops will come in handy for that." She bowed her head. "Thank you, Master Mejia."

She looked at Truth and Mike. "And if the Mandalorians outnumber us, maybe we should be thinking how to outsmart them. Perhaps we should think about sending in an infiltration team?"
 Rogue Nine
06-23-2007, 9:38 AM
"Looks like we're together again," Lux remarked quietly to Pallas and Anya, having taken a seat near the two of them for the briefing. It had proved pretty informative, though Lux couldn't help wondering how the Jedi teams had been chosen. Nevertheless, he was pleased with his assignment, as it looked as if it would require subterfuge and cunning rather than outright brute force. It would still not be easier than any of the other objectives that had been handed out, but at least this one played to his abilities.

Glancing over, he spotted the other Jedi who had been tagged for his objective, Tegan Marr. The female Knight observed the briefing impassively, while the young Padawan next to her seemed to be fidgety at the whole affair. Tegan was an excellent Jedi, if a bit unorthodox and Lux didn't mind having her with him at all.

He raised his hand towards Castov and the admiral. "I trust we'll have the intel we'll need to figure out our plan of attack?"
06-23-2007, 1:59 PM
"We'll give you all what we can but with the exception of the data reteived by Padawan Kiel allinformation is unreliable as our ships can't get close enough to the world to do a detailed scan." The Admiral replied.

"Basically we're pretty much going in as blind a farmboy with a blast visor on." Castov elaborated in his usually comical mannor.

"Indeed. Team one and two will land first to give castov's team a chance to set up the jamming equipment. Once we've verified that the ground forces eill move in for deployment." To'Knel informed. "We need this world to be taken back, Corellia is the heart of this sector it will do a great deal for the war effort."

"Basically grab your robes we leave in an hour."
06-23-2007, 2:25 PM
Kastul wasn't sure whether to laugh, cry, or just sit there with a dumb expression on his face. Box duty. Naturally. He glanced at Fred and Castov.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you two later. I have to report to Republic Packaging to be boxed up."
06-23-2007, 11:40 PM
At the end of the briefing, Tegan gestured to Korwin and rose. They left the room together. But Korwin was not satisfied and his fidgeting increased as they walked. Finally, he spoke.

"They didn't mention me," he complained. Tegan smiled knowingly. She had expected this complaint.

"Of course they didn't," she answered patiently. "Neither you nor Lake Kiel entered this war with masters. As Lake is still without one, she is responsible for hearing her own mission from the briefing. But you have a master now. For that reason, you hear your orders straight from me."

"You're gonna make me stay behind, aren't you?" Korwin grumbled.

"You are coming with me," Tegan countered, turning to face him. "But before we go, you have to understand and agree to certain 'ground rules'. First, you will do as I say at all times. Second, you will keep your mouth shut unless asked a question. If that occurs, you may answer, but keep it simple. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am," Korwin answered, more than a little startled at Tegan's harsh manner.

"Good," Tegan said. "Now, the other thing I want to make very clear to you. When we get to the surface, I don't want you running off on your own little adventures. You will stay with me, unless I tell you otherwise. If I tell you to do something else, you will do exactly as I say and then return to me. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," Korwin answered quietly.

Tegan smiled. "Good. Now go prepare."
06-24-2007, 11:27 AM
As Pallas rose to prepare for the oncoming mission, she couldn't help but be pleased at how the teams had been planned out. She was again partnered with Lux and Anya, two Kiffar Jedi that were quite indispensible as assets as well as just overall good people. Not to say that the rest of the Jedi weren't, she just found she trusted in their abilities a lot easier. The new addition, Tegan Marr, seemed capable enough as well. She was also quite pleased about being paired with a team from the Hydian Angel, as she could definitely persuade Commander Assant to let her take Lieutenant Gardevoir down planetside.

As the Jedi filed out of the briefing room, Pallas couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Isn't an hour a bit of a short notice?"
06-24-2007, 12:00 PM
As the other Jedi rose from their seats and began to leave Castov turned off the holo-projector and bowed to the admiral. He began to follow the other Jedi out of the room and smiled hearing the conversations between some of them.

”Isn't an hour a bit of a short notice?"

“That’s the point, the Mandalorians are less likely to expect an attack so quickly.” Castov replied to the Jedi knights question. “The quicker the better, The Mandalorians will be caught with there pants down.”
06-24-2007, 12:14 PM
As we where leaving I decided to go to the hangar where I would transmit a message to the commander of my soldiers, my droid was damaged so I decided to take a utility droid, I picked a T3 series called T3-R5.

"T3-R5 transmit this message to Co.99384, Commander Trog Hids"-I said to my T3 unit

"Beow Bouw"- T3 responded as he opened the hologram.

"Commander Trog Hids you will now serve with all my man under the command of Lake Kiel, She is a Jedi Padawan, and do you understand commander?"- I said

"Yes sir, as you, but it’s permanent?"- He asked

"No, you will return under my command as soon as the battle in Corellian end's"- I responded

"Ok sir, I understand and we will do as you command"-Trog said

"Ok, My the force be with you all"- I said

“Well T3-R5 fallow me”- I said as we where leaving the hangar to meet up with my mission’s partners

“Beow , Buoow”-T3 answered as he closed the hologram and fallowed me.
06-27-2007, 9:13 PM
((Ok, guys, lets get this thread going again. I think people need to get their groups together and then start heading off to their missions.))


Lake, Truth, and Mike left the briefing room for the hanger bay to prepare their battle plan as well as organise the troops who would be under their command. Around a small computer station, the three called up the ground map from the briefing and began to formulate their plan of attack, while their transport ships began to load up their troops.

“Three teams, one deployed here at drop zone Beta,” Lake pointed to a spot on the map, “to the northwest of the weapon’s location, and two flanking either side—Drop Zone Alpha to the south, and Drop Zone Gamma to the northeast.

“I’d like to take drop position Alpha, with two platoons of special forces, plus my marine infiltration team. With the other Jedi teams engaging targets to the mainly to the east, I think the southern position might be the best place to send in an infiltration team from.”

She looked at Truth. “I think you’d be better suited to lead a main assault from Drop Point Beta. You know, just knock right on their front door. And while they’re busy engaging Truth, Mike can use his troops to flank them. What do you guys think?”
06-28-2007, 4:31 PM
Truth nodded in approval and replied "That is a sufficient plan for the current situation. I warn that support will be unavailable should either you come under overwhelming fire, though the chance of that depends on how fast my troops can obtain all of their fire. The casualties will be heavy due to the base's position, but sufficient for the recovery or destruction of it."
06-28-2007, 4:37 PM
Castov was working with the ships engineers making sure the Communications Jammer would work for the time it would be needed on the small power supply they had. The device had to be deployed quickly and go undiscovered for at least four hours while all three teams went about their objectives. Time was running down as they finished and Castov barely had enough time to finish calibrating small sensor Jammer to prevent the device from being detected by either base.

Castov walked to the hanger where both the shuttles that were going to take the Jedi and commandoes either to drop zone 1 or 2. A couple of the mechanics placed the Jammer within the second shuttle then walked away. It was almost time to leave for the ships too leave so Castov waited for the other two Jedi to arrive.
06-28-2007, 6:49 PM
I was then notified that Castov was awaiting me in the hangar. I then went to the hangar with my T3 utility droid. There was Castov talking with the mechanics, it looks like he place a jammer in the shuttle.

“Need help there?, I am specialize in ships plus T3 can give you a hand there”- I said to Castov.
07-01-2007, 4:15 PM
Castov stood studying at a small holographic image of the soon to be battlefield and Castov began to doubt the assignments he had given. Although each Jedi was placed on the mission to best suit their talents he found himself feeling perhaps Revan may have done things differently. Jesp had no idea why he had been trusted with the task of organising and strategising the Corellian task force. He was a consular who could seethe future and use that, he lived in the moment only making the vaguest of plans, not a quality of a military leader.

“Need help there?, I am specialize in ships plus T3 can give you a hand there”

CJ urned being snapped out of his train of thought by the sudden interruption to look at the other Jedi “No We’re fine, the shuttle is ready to fly as soon as our comrade arrives.”
 Rogue Nine
07-01-2007, 6:31 PM
Lux walked into the small briefing room with Pallas, Anya and Tegan. It was on a much smaller scale than the one they had just been in, yet it seemed a bit more crowded, with a number of Republic officers and NCOs filling the seats. Stalking over to the holoprojector in the middle of the room, he jabbed at the controls for a few moments, then took a step back as it thrummed to life, displaying schematics of the power station that was their objective. Nabbing a remote control off the console, he flicked it a few times, zooming the hologram out until it displayed a good chunk of the surrounding area and Coronet proper.

Running a hand through his hair, he exhaled a slow, long breath and said, "So, anyone got any idea how we're suppose to do this?"
07-01-2007, 6:49 PM
Truth nodded in approval and replied "That is a sufficient plan for the current situation. I warn that support will be unavailable should either you come under overwhelming fire, though the chance of that depends on how fast my troops can obtain all of their fire. The casualties will be heavy due to the base's position, but sufficient for the recovery or destruction of it.""Well, it won't be the first time I've gone without support," Lake said. "I'll do my best to minimize casualties, but we must complete our objective."

She turned to Mike. "So, are you okay with your position?"

Mike nodded. "Flanking is my specialty," he said seriously. "And casualties in war are a given."

"A given, maybe," said Lake, "but we should try to minimize them as much as possible. We are outnumbered, remember."

"Indeed," Mike agreed. "But I have confidence in Truth's ability to command the frontal assault."

"Well, I'll put my troops under Col. Hauks command while I take my marine commandos and attempt to infiltrate the base." She grinned. "We recovered some Mandalorian stealth shield generators. I'm sure we'll enjoy using them."
07-02-2007, 12:34 AM
"Plan from the objective backward to the drop point," Tegan said quietly. She rose and moved to the map. "Our goal should be to find the most unexpected route. So we start here." She clicked the holoprojector a little closer in on the power station. "Do we have guard counts and positions?"

"They seem quite random," a Republic officer answered. He inserted a small datachip into the console and a video played, showing various formations and numbers of guards around the station. Tegan smiled faintly.

"There's a pattern to everything," she said. "Even a so-called 'random number generator' has a method, a 'reason', you might say for which number it chooses. So now, we must only uncover the reasons for their various formations and we will be able to predict with a great level of certainty where they will place guards when we arrive."

"And what then?" another Republic officer asked. Tegan grinned.

"And then, we move back further still," she answered, clicking at the holoprojector. Slowly, the image zoomed out. "And further still, we go... until we reach..." the image stopped, the drop point in plain view, "... our starting point. And then, the full way is planned... to the best of our ability. No one can plan for every possibility, of course, but..." She frowned and her words halted suddenly.

"I'm sorry," she said finally, her smile returning. "Nobody put me in charge. Other options?"
07-10-2007, 5:20 PM
“No We’re fine, the shuttle is ready to fly as soon as our comrade arrives.”-Castov said

“He is talking to much time Castov, we should leave …. Me must understand we can not lose more time”- I said to Castov.

He said that we must wait until he arrived but Kastul was taking too much time preparing, I then decided to enter the ship and I sited in the pilots sit.

“If nether of you moves I will do it alone.”- I said as I turned the shuttle on.
07-12-2007, 6:55 AM
(OCC- In an attempt to get this RP going again I’m going to get us all landed on the planet in order of mission. Sorry about any char control but it is necessary))

The landing shuttle shook violently as it sped through the atmosphere of the subjugated world, it had flown in on a stealth trajectory to prevent being scanned and was speeding down towards the planets surface. As the shuttle get close enough to the surface to fly below the radar it’s pilot pulled up and began heading towards Coronet.

The speed travelled meant it didn’t take long for them to come to the edge of the city, it continued travelling fast above and in between the buildings, testing the pilots skills. The shuttle then slowed as they came across the drop zone, the roof of a moderate sized office building. It hovered a few feet from the rooftop and the door opened, each commando and Jedi jumped out. The shuttle then began to fly back the way it came.
__________________________________________________ ____

The small republic shuttle was in the middle of the forest having the Jedi, Frederick and Kastul covering it with camouflage. Castov was still setting up the Communications jammer a few foot away from the shuttle, it didn’t take long to become fully activated.

Now Cj had finished he turned to the other Jedi and called for them to follow him and get to the Convoys path and set the trap.
__________________________________________________ ____

The mass of the republic drop ships had began to land at the three landing zones, troops tanks and other military equipment were being unloaded. A command post was being set up at Drop zone Alpha where the Republic strategist were preparing the troop deployment strategies.

Long range artillery weapons were being set up at the republic lines getting ready for the assault. The officers were inspecting the troops and their weapons checked, tanks were being optimised for the terrain.

Fortunately the Mandalorians were not aware of the republic ships yet thanks to the communications jammer set up be Castrov jesp and they had the element of surprise.
07-13-2007, 8:36 PM
Pallas shut the door quietly, then turned to face her comrades. They were in a smallish room inside the office building on which they had landed. She, Anya, Tegan and Lux comprised the Jedi presence, while the rest of the team were commandoes. Much to Pallas's silent delight, Lieutenant Gardevoir was present as well.

"We'll need to make our way to the power station undetected," Gardevoir announced once everyone had taken a seat. "This is possible one of two ways. We either trace our way through the sewer lines, or find some way to blend into the crowd above."
07-14-2007, 2:17 AM
"The closer we get, the less of a crowd there's going to be," Tegan pointed out. "I vote sewer."

"You would," Korwin muttered. Tegan glared sharply at him and he stiffened, falling silent once more.
07-16-2007, 5:19 PM
As the doors of the drop ship she was on rose, Lake crouched near the hatch opening, searching the ground below for any tell-tale signs of any Mandalorian scouting parties while she checked out the layout of the terrain.

She didn't remember much of her homeworld, as she had left Corellia when she had been very young, but she was sure it hadn't looked like this. Most of Corellia's industry was in space to preserve the planet's natural beauty, yet here there were patches of scorched earth and skeletonized trees in what looked to have previously been a lush green valley. Lake scowled, feeling a twinge of anger, as well as a hint sadness, well up inside her for the senseless destruction.

Just before the ship landed, she jumped out, using the Force to cushion her landing. She checked over her shoulder. Most of the ground troops landing and forming up behind her would be under the command of Colonel Acton, a man she trusted, though only through his reputation and not from her own personal experience.

As her elite team of marines disembarked their ship and assembled near her, she pressed her comlink. "Col. Acton, I'd advise you assemble your men into smaller squads so you can take advantage of what cover the Mandalorians haven't destroyed, as well as give my infiltration team some covering fire if needed. And be ready for General Truth's order to charge."

"Roger, that Commander," was the Colonel's reply. "And good luck. Acton out."

Lake motioned for her men to follow her and they made for a small outcropping of trees and low shrubs. They would need a sheltered place to wait for the right moment to proceed towards the facility. She took out a pair of electrobinoculars and spotted the entrance of the Mandalorian base on the ridge a few kilometres away. Getting inside would be difficult without the planned distraction from General Truth's troops at Drop Zone Alpha. Then she spotted what looked like a ventilation shaft a few hundred metres away. "Bingo," she said to her sergeant. "Ventilation shaft. That's how we're getting in." She lowered the binoculars. "Get a couple of plasma torches ready," she said to him. "We'll probably have to do some cutting."

She switched channels on her comlink. "Commander Kiel to General Truth. I'm in position. We're ready to proceed as soon as you begin your attack. Just give the word."

She knew that Mike was to her left on the other side of the ridge, awaiting similar orders. She just hoped that Truth's frontal assault would be formidable enough to draw the Mandalorian's attention so that Col. Acton and Mike's men could flank them from either side, and give her team the distraction they needed to infiltrate the Mandalorian base.

She clicked her comlink again, this time to give Mike an update on her progress. "General Sapien? Commander Kiel. I'm in position and ready. We've found limited cover on this side of the base. Mandy's must have been on a slash and burn campaign out here. How's things look on your end?"
07-16-2007, 8:04 PM
Truth stood in the main army command post, now surveying the Army of the Republic before he gave the first order. The front line was made of grunts and heavy vehicles, who were backed up by the more specialized troops such as snipers and heavy weapons. Then came the support units which ranged from short artillery to anti-artillery and aircraft to medical posts. The back of the force was primarily composed of heavy artillery, the posts that ran the army, and landing points for the support aircraft. It was a fairly simple setup for the assault they were about to attempt, but then, the enemy position did not allow for much creativity. This would result in heavy casualties, even the greenest soldier knew that.

Truth could feel terror, fury, and exhilaration coursing through the army as the all sensed the time of fire creep closer. The greenest were the ones with fear and excitement, while the veterans had nothing but cold, dead hatred running through their veins. For the battle, they would need it.

Truth set his comn to the army's channel and said "May the Force be with you all. Artillery may commence firing at will and all soldiers are to advance."

The sky lit up as a rain of fire came down upon the enemy. Then all hell broke loose.
07-16-2007, 11:32 PM
“Wow, that was a hard landing, we need to get moving if this mandalorians locate by luck the ship we are doom.”- Frederick said as he tucked his lightsaber from his belt.

“And what’s the plan Master Jesp?”- Frederick asked
07-18-2007, 6:55 PM
Truth set his comm to the army's channel and said "May the Force be with you all. Artillery may commence firing at will and all soldiers are to advance."

The sky lit up as a rain of fire came down upon the enemy. Then all hell broke loose."That's our cue," Lake said to her sergeant. "Let's move out." She hit her comlink. "Colonel Acton? Commander Kiel. My team's moving out. Keep sharp. We may need some covering fire if they spot us on approach. Kiel out."

She turned to her sergeant. "Ok, Sarge, let's move out."

The sergeant rallied the rest of his men, and then ordered them to activate their stealth generators that they had captured from the Mandalorians. Lake activated hers as well, and with all of the infiltration team now cloaked, they all started to creep up the ridge towards the Mandalorian base and the ventilation shaft while Truth's forces attacked.
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