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Altering TGA files...

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05-25-2007, 3:13 PM
I've been using Shem's alternate saber color mod for TSL, but I'd like to change the name of one of the colors. The problem is, once I've changed the name and remodded the mdi file to match it, the lighsaber color is incomplete (you can see the color at the center of the sabre, but its black everywhere else around it). Any pointers?
05-25-2007, 3:27 PM
You'll need to re-name the .txi file as well. :)

It's the file the contains the alpha blending properties for saber blade colors...
It's named the same (minus extension) as the color itself, so look in your override for the .txi files and change the name of the old color changed to your new name...
05-25-2007, 8:42 PM
Shem didn't include the txi files in his mod (and I think I know why), so using KOTOR Tool, where can I find the txi files?
05-26-2007, 1:24 AM
Ok...I copied the tga file and renamed as a txi. It works great for portraits (solving my Juhani makover portrait problem).
But, it didn't work for the saber color. When I put the file (w_lsabreyelo02.txi) into my override file, Kotor would shut down once I selected the yellow lightsaber for upgrading.
If I get rid of the txi file and keep the tga file, the problem is still the same: a lightsaber with the right blade color core, but the aura around the blade is black...
05-26-2007, 1:50 PM
to make a txi, open notepad and add the lines below and save the file as the same name as your lightsaber blade texture with the .txi extension.

blending additive
decal 1
05-26-2007, 3:52 PM
Shem didn't include the txi files in his mod?I didn't include them because I was replacing colors, not adding new ones. ;)
05-28-2007, 10:35 AM
I didn't include them because I was replacing colors, not adding new ones. ;)

That's what I thought...;)

Edit: to make a txi, open notepad and add the lines below and save the file as the same name as your lightsaber blade texture with the .txi extension.

blending additive
decal 1
Worked like a charm. Thanks a million!
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