How can I fire a script when I enter a costume made area?
How can I fire a script when I enter a costume made area?
Open up the ARE file of your module in K-GFF (or a suitable GFF editor) and find "OnEnter." Place the name of your script into this field, save it, and when you enter the area it should fire :).
If you're using KotOR Tool's module editor then simply right click on any blank space and select Module Properties. Select the Area tab then go to Events. Put the name of your script in the field labelled "OnEnter", click Ok and you'll get the same result.
Hope this helps :).
Is this gonna work in an added planet area like the Ord Mandell added world for K1?? :bluidea: being a duplicate area that uses some Taris and Korriban areas ... ? :)
Is this gonna work in an added planet area like the Ord Mandell added world for K1?? :bluidea: being a duplicate area that uses some Taris and Korriban areas ... ? :)
Yes it will work, because ultimately all the files are packed into a newly named module by RedHawke, unless RedHawke has already used the OnEnter field, then it won't work, you would need to merge your script with RedHawke's, which shouldn't be to hard considering he included the Source scripts in the .zip (or .rar, i can't remember, :lol:.)
Is this gonna work in an added planet area like the Ord Mandell added world for K1?? :bluidea: being a duplicate area that uses some Taris and Korriban areas ... ? :)
While it should work don't ever expect to be able to release your work though... Other ingratious individuals before you have hardened my stance on people messing with my mods. Especially ORD Mandell, sorry.