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Lightsaber Creation Mod Problem

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05-23-2007, 11:52 PM
Hi! Hopefully there won't be too many more of these "Help me!!! Oh dear god it's awful!" threads from me... :lol:

Anyway I wanted to use this Build a Lightsaber (;75174) mod in my game and even though the readme states it is compatible with the Hak Pad (;66316) mod it may not be compatible with both the Hak Pad and it's booster (;66352) pack.

So here's the problem. When I first installed the Lightsaber Creation console and activated it ingame I got the Hakpad coming up. I uninstalled the Hakpad with the booster pack and reinstalled it only to get the saber mod coming up but not the Hakpad. It seems whichever mod was installed first will come up when clicked but not the other. What's up here?
05-24-2007, 9:01 AM
Hmm.. that's odd since they both use the Patcher :confused:

Are you installing them both via the included .exe file? Also, make sure to install my booster pack AFTER you install both my hak pad and the build a saber mod :)

My booster is an overwrite style add-on so it needs my original to work first...
05-24-2007, 9:26 AM
Hmm.. that's odd since they both use the Patcher :confused:

Are you installing them both via the included .exe file? Also, make sure to install my booster pack AFTER you install both my hak pad and the build a saber mod :)

My booster is an overwrite style add-on so it needs my original to work first...

Hmm.. I will try that out. I'll uninstall the booster pack and the lightsaber console then reinstall in opposite order. Will get back to you on that... :nod:

In the meantime for your enjoyment... a funky 3PO.:3pdance:

Edit: Hi!

Yup the problem with the lightsaber mod and the Hak pad has been resolved thanks to you Chainz! THANK YOU! :cheers:

I have one small problem with a mod for KOTOR though... it involves the Bendak Armor mod. I installed it and went to Zax on Taris. Weird thing happens... I can get the armor but when I try to ask him questions... for example requesting information or whatever the screen exits the dialogue mod and back to third person. I also cannot persuade Zax to do something even though I could without the mod. What's up here?

Other than that, everything is ok! :thumbsup:
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