Everyone has an opinion. They probably don't matter.
After playing Psychonauts, you'll realize why the Earthbound fans keep bitching about a sequel.
#73 No fad dieting allowed
You should never wander off here from the Swamp. You get ****ed up.
SPAM makes a good snack
RD may turn people into psychopaths
You should never wander off here from the Swamp. You get ****ed up.
Or from Ahto/SWK. And I thought Hotel Asylum was crazy. :D
Never discuss thy taste in music, or thou shalt be flamed to death.
When people wander here, they sometimes stay and become fixtures.
With great power comes great personal gain.
Never start an "e-war" about Apple and/or Microsoft
Screaming help into the air will summon a team of male dancing cheerleaders in suits to help you.
#83 Be sure to run in the opposite direction when the male cheerleaders' work is finished.
Don't insult Sam and Max fans...they will smite you...
Never ask for a definition of hentai.
NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER ask for the definition of tentacle hentai.
#88 (Cuz Psycho forgot to #, and zell didn't bump up)
American Idol Wednesday is the equivalent of going to church.
Beastie Boys f*ckin rock
Nerds offer the best relationship advice.
NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER ask for the definition of tentacle hentai.
i can send you some just pm me if you're in the mood series has a really good plot (it's in japanese though) btw
"Shooting things is fun and useful."
I can never balance my checkbook.
If you ever make an e-friend, expect them to leave the next month on military service.
Based on the massive amounts of people that have told me this...I am a complete dumb ass...
#95 #94 is true
#96 if you work at it, YOU TOO can have an lf smilie
#97 ray is overly proud of his debian system
#98 posting on the internet is a strenuous activity that can take up to 38 seconds per post
#99 everything davinq likes sucks (re: elemeno p)
#100 dont talk about fight club
Psychonauts IZ AWESOME.
Jmac steals all of the numbers...
Thread titles will lie.
Never bring up pr0n when jmac and/or same are logged in.
Teeth are so the new accessory
^those teeth are really annoying...
Put ur smile on the intranetz 2 become infamous celeb.
Old threads never die.
Sticky threads never die.
You'll never run out of uses for the term WTF?
Dysons never lose suction.
Black people are silly.
#115 would make an awesome t-shirt.
The actual number of licks it takes to get the center of a tootsie pop is not certain as many factors control how many licks it takes, including tongue size, saliva produced, and licking speed. Then again, you could just be a lazy bastard and bite the thing.
If you want to change you avatar, you'd better be a f*cking computer genius.
If you want to be a moderator, you just need to know how to spell and you're in.
Oh, I queit dissaggre, Mester Smon.
There are some weird people on the internet and I love them all!
Scotch is an acquired taste.