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Merging Head with Body

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 Light of the Fey
05-14-2007, 7:04 PM
What I want is to edit the appearance.2da file so I can have the body of Party_NPC_Bastila with the head of P_FEM_C_SML_01 so I can wear the armor of Bastila from a hack. (Bastila, Royal Guard Mod) Can you help?

I just need to know how to do it, not asking anyone to do it for me...


Here is the link to the mod. I know its possible because there is a screenshot in the file of the female PC waring the outfits!
05-15-2007, 1:14 PM
Definitely admirable of you wanting to figure it out on your own.... :)

RedHawke has already done a mod letting female PCs wear Bastila's robes.. however, if you'd like to dissect how he did it.. you can grab the mod here:

Bastila's Clothes For Female PC's
 Light of the Fey
05-15-2007, 6:23 PM
Definitely admirable of you wanting to figure it out on your own.... :)

RedHawke has already done a mod letting female PCs wear Bastila's robes.. however, if you'd like to dissect how he did it.. you can grab the mod here:

Bastila's Clothes For Female PC's

No...not her clothing robes. The robes from the mod I found... *Sighs*
05-16-2007, 10:28 AM
however, if you'd like to dissect how he did it.. you can grab the mod here:

No...not her clothing robes. The robes from the mod I found... *Sighs*

err... it's the same premise... her (Bastila's) 'robes' uses her clothing robes model, I used the same technique to make my Xia Robes ( -screens (

just trying to help *sighs* :rolleyes:

take a look at the Bastila Royal Guard mod's appearance.2da file. The modela-modelj (? or however high it goes) along with the texa-texj (? again, however high they go) entries are what you are going to have to edit/replace in your character's appearance.2da lines...

Copy the entry(ies) from the appropriate columns in Bastila's line to your character's line. Depending on which column Mac used.. you'll probably not have to edit each and every one. Also, Mac made the robes for Bastila only, so you'll have to edit the .uti files to take the restrictions off.

Because his files are packed into a .mod file (danm14ad.MOD), you'll need to use Fred Tetra's KotOR Tool or stoffe's ERF/RIM Editor ( to unpack the module to get to those files.
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