I think it's too easy to get 3 heads. I would say that 300 posts would be good and at least 3 months here. Soon everyone are three headed.
[This message has been edited by BoneMaster (edited January 24, 2001).]
well it doesn't matter a lot but still... What if there would be something else than monkey and three headed monkey. Yeah, It would be cool.
They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing
No, you're not taking my new two heads away from me! I won't let you do it! They're mine!
oh, thats why you changed your signature...
But it would be cool if there wore something after the THM and DS.
Perhaps you could become a hermit or something.
You mean between Three Headed Monkey and Devil Skull, don't you?
Afterall, a Devil Skull is a moderator, so aside from the Webmaster (The Secret), there shouldn't be anyone bigger...
It would be nice to have something after Three Headed Monkey... Maybe something at 500 posts?
http://www.capcorphq.com/friends/Dancing_Monkey.gif) Fine, judge all you want, but... "Left a man at the altar"; "Married a lesbian"; "Fell in love with a gay ice dancer"; "Threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire"; "Live in a box"!
I'm really fast poster; you will see. I'll be three headed in a month if I want to. Well, it's time to post.
Do you guys hate Spamming?
I think you should get a rank after 1000 posts, then 5000 and lastly 10 000. 1000 would stand for Big Ear, 5000 for Greasy Fingers and 10 000 for El Pollo Diablo!
I became a three-headed monkey in less than a month. It really isn't difficult and it isn't much to brag about. Just takes a little bit of occasional free time.
I was a THM in about a week, in the old days when 30 was the THM limit thing
Wohoa... But I like this forum so I'll be having 1000 posts under three months I can quarantee...
ah, me and my big smelly mouth..
just forget what I said...
I don't think so, I've been here 6 months 11 days (look at the sig) and I only have 319 posts (320 now)
well the way he's going by replying to every topic there is, he'll probably do it. i mean he practicaly told us that he's a spammer, just not openly, its "accidental".
hehe yes. I can make it. But I am trying to spam as little as I can. I don't want to be banned 'tho.
I am not a bad spammer; I just post a lot. There is a difference between them.
Hmmm... Like I said nobody should be judged by the post-count and I think the whole thing should be removed. The ranks would come by time you have been here; but these are just ideas.
Do you hate me now newfoundgloryboy? oh no
btw. so are you saying you never spam newfoundgloryboy?
[This message has been edited by MegaMonkey (edited January 28, 2001).]
posting is soooo easy!
i'm not on a huge ammount, but i got up to the 100 mark in about A WEEK!!!!!!!!!
if u play, try the uk 8 till late server,-it plays till about 3, so don't come on to late.
and it's custom maps only now
and u need a password as well
the password is: slapper
so get on there, and start fragging!